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This page is effective 01 January 2006


This resource is to be used by Core French teachers until a new Provincial Core French Curriculum is produced.

Specific Expectations
Oral communication

By the end of grade 1 students will:

1.1 understand and respond to routine 1 step questions in French:
Comment ça va?
Quel temps fait-il?
Quelle est la date?
Qu’est-ce que c’est?
Qui est-ce?

1.2 respond to visual and verbal stimulus with body language: e.g.
eye contact, actions, facial expression, tone of voice, gestures .

1.3 speak by:
- counting to 30.
- identifying colours.
- saying the alphabet by rote.
- responding to routine questions.
- reciting in group rehearsed rhymes,songs, rhyming words, or dialogues.
- responding with simple sentences:
- Merci, s.v.p bonjour.
- responding to clear and simple questionswith oui ou non.
- repeating simple questions :
- Est –ce que je peux .?
- respond in French to simple questions :
- Quel est ton nom?
- use vocabulary learned for each theme.
- role play with mime, simple sentences.
- imitate voice intonation.

The student should be able to accomplish this in a familiar and comfortable environment.

By the end of grade 2 students will:

2.1 ask and respond in French to routine questions:
Comment ça va?
Quel temps fait-il?
Quelle est la date?
Qu’est-ce que c’est?
Qui est-ce?

2.2 respond in French to 2 steps questions:
Qu’est –ce que tu aimes?
Qu’est-ce que tu portes?

2.3 speak by :
* Same as grade 1 plus:
- identifying numbers 1-30.
- counting 1-60.
- asking routine questions.
- substituting in rehearsed contexts using known words:
c’est papa, c’est maman, c’est moi.
- responding with simple sentences in appropriate situations.
- responding to questions about a comptine, song, story using simple French and gestures.
- giving alone or in group a short oral presentation, rehearsed in class.
- giving orally, missing words, expressions in learned dialogues, rhymes, songs.

The student should be able to accomplish this in an open, risk taking environment.

By the end of grade 3 students will:

3.1 respond in the affirmative and negative:
Je peux ... Ce n’est pas...
Je joue... Je ne sais pas...
C’est... Je n’ai pas de...
J’ai besoin de...

3.2 respond to oral texts.
answer brief, simple questions on a song, poem, story, identify key words and illustrate.

3.3 speak by:
* Same as grade 2 plus:
- identifying numbers 1-60
- counting by rote to 100
- asking simple questions and using expressions learned in class:
- e.g. Puis-je boire de l’eau? or Puis-je aller à la toilette?
- making simple revision to oral language in content and form e.g.
- c’est le garçon, c’est la fille, c’est un crayon, c’est une gomme.
- giving a short oral presentation, by substituting words and expressions
in a rehearsed and modelled context using learned vocabulary in different situations.
- asking for French words when conversing:
- Comment dit on?

The student should be able to express themselves in simple language.
Teaching strategies

- Present rhymes, songs, dialogues, stories using visuals,recording, mime, gestures, actions.

- Use the same material in different context.

- Repeat student response in French, paraphrasing the student.

- Interact formally with students in French through: routines, learned classroom expressions, and a lot of French passive vocabulary.

- Use a variety of listening activities:
tapes,cd of rhymes, songs, dialogues,little videos.

- Build a bank of vocabulary words related to themes studied, on charts.

- Speak using the vocabulary and expressions of the theme being studied.

- Establish predictable routines: date, weather,games.

- Sensitize students to listen for key words.

* Same as grade 1, plus:
- Have student learn and repeat the poems, songs, dialogues. Have them do substitutions.

- Repeat student response paraphrasing the student.

- Interact with the students informally:
greetings in yard, hallway, and in class (checking student’s work, paraphrasing their response, talking about toys, keepsake .)

- Use a variety of listening activities:
train students to listen for key words and known vocabulary.

- Train students to look for words on the charts with bank of vocabulary.

- Train the students to start using the expressions studied in class.

- Continue with the same routines, but train the students to take over some: date, weather

- Do specific activities where students look for key words: chart, story.

* Same as grade 2, plus:

- Speak in a natural manner.

- Have students do substitutions in known materials creating their own.

- Do a lot of group and class oral composition and write on charts and ask comprehension questions.

- Teach formally how to ask simple questions:
Est-ce que, Qui, Ou.

- Provide a variety of activities involving person-to-person oral interaction:
class routines, pair work, dialogues in front of class, interviews, songs.

- Insist that students always use the routine sentences for daily class:
Puis-je tailler mon crayon?

- Teach them all relevent expressions for all your usual routines: games, pair work.

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Specific Expectations

By the end of grade 1 students will:

1.4 Start to identify and recognize letters of the alphabet:
- alphabet song.
- rhymes with alphabet.
- recognize and place in sequence the letter of the alphabet.

1.5 Respond to written print:
- drawing a picture.
- completing an illustration.
- matching words and pictures.
- using illustrations to put vocab. in category.

1.6 Identify words in print found in the classroom:
- on charts.
- on classroom pictures and objects.
- in a known comptines written on charts.(key words)

1.7 Match simple words and illustrations.
- flash-cards of a category of words: les animaux.
- pictures of a song, rhyme or story with key words.

1.8 Take part in choral reading of a print rendition of learned poems, rhymes, songs on charts.

This should be developped in response to shared reading experiences.

* Shared reading is described as teacher and students participation in the reading of familiar pieces.

By the end of grade 2 students will:

2.4 Name the letters of the alphabet in order and start to recognize the difficult letters:
- e, i, g, j, k, q...
- use simple sound patterns: rhyming words,
- same sound...

2.5 Recognize print as French or English:
- days, month, date...
- weather...

2.6 Respond to written print:
- choral reading of familiar words: illustrated cards, pictures, charts...
- choral reading of known comptines,songs,rhymes- recognize known words in different context:e.g. words of a song used in a new poem...
- begin to use phonics as an aid in learning new words

2.7 Match simple expressions to illustrations.
- bonjour, au revoir, ça va, ça va bien...
- c’est la nuit, c’est le jour...
- il neige, il pleut, il vente...

2.8 Read a variety of materials containing knownvocabulary.
- comptines, rhymes, songs, expressions, little dialogues...

This will be focused on the student’s ability to respond to print through shared readings: songs, comptines, short and simple dialogues.

By the end of grade 3 students will:

3.4 Start to recognize accents in French words.
- bébé, père, fenêtre...

3.5 Start using a simple illustrated dictionary.

3.6 Begin to use French phonics and correct pronunciation and intonation in reading.

3.7 Begin to read aloud:
- familiar comptines, rhymes,songs, dialogues, known expressions...
- easy French patterns books, simple stories,class charts...

3.8 Read and respond to written materials:
- fill in the blanks
- illustrate.
- choose the correct answer.
- associate written with illustrations.
- identify and illustrate vocabulary or a section of a text.

This will be focused on the student’s ability to relate his background knowledge to written material.
Teaching strategies

- On chart do a lot of shared readings of poems, comptines, songs, short dialogues.

- Read aloud, and have students participation:
comprehension questions, mime, actions...
(big books, pattern books, picture books, short stories...)

- For choral reading, use the familiar rhymes, songs, comptines, dialogues. Keep them on charts. - Do specific activities to learn the alphabet:
association, recognition, before and after, use in a rhyme and choral read...

- On charts of familiar material, highlight with colour the target vocabulary.

- Have print visible in a variety of ways: flash-cards, charts, big books, games, known print on activity sheets: e.g. Je m’appelle...

- Teach the students to predict using picture cues and match words and pictures..

At the end student will:
- use illustrations.
- identify words in context.
- choral read.

* Same strategies as grade 1 plus:

- Sensitize students to sound combination: in rhymes, songs, stories, by highlighting in colour.

- Have students identify repetitive words in familiar texts and also in predictable texts... e.g. on chart find and circle the known words, on activity sheet highlight in colour the familiar words...

- Begin to have student read aloud rehearsed comptines, songs, dialogues. (Individually)

At the end students will:
- use illustrations and predict.
- recognize known words and phrases in familiar and predictable text.
- start to read aloud individually known and rehearsed material.

* Same as grade 1, 2 plus:
- Read aloud different materials to familiarize students with the sound patterns.

- Start circling target sounds combinations, language patterns, key words in rhymes and songs...

- Encourage students to read short little books: commercial or class made.

- On activity sheets have students circle or highlight key words and phrases.

- Focus on silent reading and have students make predictions using title, illustrations, known words.

At the end students will:
- read aloud individually known material.
- search for key words in a student text.
- start to be familiar with sound patterns.
- do predictions based on prior knowledge.

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Specific Expectations

By the end of grade 1 students will:

1.9 understand and respond to an oral text with some illustrations.
- illustrate a comptine, song, short story learned and read by teacher.
- illustrate some routine phrases: température, couleurs...

1.10 copy/trace some words following a model provided by the teacher.
- copy and label pictures, e.g. animaux, vêtement,etc....

1.11 copy some basic sentences.
- e.g. je m’appelle, j’ai ___ ans, etc...
- c’est Dimoitou...

By the end of grade 2 students will:

2.9 identify, find and copy vocabulary to label thematic objects.
- give a series of words to choose from and students identify correct ones, then copy and label. (Theme studied)

2.10 do substitution in simple sentences using known vocabulary.
- e.g. j’ai un chien, chat, furet...
- e.g. c’est moi, mon père, ma mère, mon frère...

2.11 choose and copy specific vocabulary in teacher guided writing activities.
- greeting cards, simple pattern books...

2.12 rewrite known words in a logical sentence.( short and simple)
- e.g. beau. Il, fait, ( Il fait beau.)
- m’appelle, Je, Marie. (Je m’appelle Marie.)

2.13 write very short and simple pattern books following models prepared together.
e.g. Ma famille.
Me voici.
Je m’appelle Marie.
Voici mon père.
C’est Jean.
Voici ma mère.
C’est suzanne.
Voici ma soeur.
C’est Marie.

2.14 practice using and spelling vocabulary appropriate to themes.
*awareness of accents, plural, gender.
- bonhomme pendu, mots cachés.

By the end of grade 3 students will:

3.9 start to print some words on their own.

3.10 copy and write simple sentences, expressions, questions, using basic vocabulary and a model.

3.11 create simple pattern stories by substituting words.

3.12 fill in the blanks, to answer simple questions, using available resource:
- word banks on charts, flash-cards illustrated, personal illustrated vocabulary...

3.13 write own book or presentation using simple, known patterns.

3.14 practice using and spelling the vocabulary appropriate for this level.
*use accents in spelling, be aware of plural and gender.

- bonhomme pendu, mots cachés...
Teaching Strategies

* Development of writing is to be done through oral and reading activities. It involves listening, speaking and reading. Their first writings are an extension of expression through picture making.

- Make connections between oral and written language.

- Read aloud and give students the opportunity to participate.

- Use different media to provide variety for children to express themselves: rhymes, comptines, short stories...

- Keep track of songs and comptines on chart paper.

- Provide opportunity for chidren to talk about their pictures, projects.

- Teach the alphabet in songs, games ...

- Have them trace /copy words in French.

* At this stage of writing , it is vital to build on the student’s knowledge of oral language, in order to bring the oral to printed form.

Same strategies as grade 1, plus:

- Say each word as it is printed on the board or chart.

- Circle or highlight in colour all your target vocabulary.

- Surround the students with print: flash-cards, charts of songs, comptines, vocabulary, games and little books.

- Provide opportunity to trace/copy words in French and also fill in the blanks activities.

* At this stage of writing , it is vital to build on the student’s knowledge of oral language, in order to bring the oral to printed form.

Same strategies as grades 1 & 2 plus:

- Provide activities to match words and pictures, words with sentence starter, and fill in the blanks.

- Create simple dialogues, comptines and stories with the children. Write them on chart paper and use it as models for their own writing.

- From those models do substitution exercises, so students can personalise writings.

- From simple models of stories read aloud, and from models created with the students, have them write a short storyor poems...

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Ontario Ministry of Education and Training -
Quebec Ministry of Education -
Alberta Ministry of Education -
British Columbia Ministry of Education -
Manitoba Ministry of Education -
New Brunswick Ministry of Education -
Newfoundland Ministry of Education -
Nova Scotia Ministry of Education -
Prince Edward Island Ministry of Education -
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education -
Northwest Territories Education, Culture and Employment -
Nunavut Department of Education -
Yukon Department of Education -
Fédération des CÉGEPs -
Canadian Education on the Web
Ontario Curriculum Centre
Canadian Association of Independent Schools -
Ontario Ministry of Education
Review: “Program and Diploma Requirements”;” Common Course Codes”; “Choices into Action”; “Individual Education Plans”
Provincial Secondary School Literacy Test:
Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada: for colleges and for universities.
Our Kids Go To School:
The Canadian Educational Standards Institute:
The Conference of Independent Schools (Ontario):
The Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (information on post secondary education in Canada).
Canadian Millennium Scholarship Foundation
Canada’s Most Comprehensive Scholarship Portal
History Homework Helper
Canadian Military History Gateway:

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Australia Education -
Department of Defense Education Activity -
France Ministry of Education -
(French Site only)
International Baccalaureate Organization -
The College Board -
(for Advanced Placement and SATs)
United Kingdom - The National Curriculum -
United Kingdom Department for Education and Skills -
US Department of Education -