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Policy and Regulations
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100- Regulations and Organization
200- Classroom Management
300- Teacher Contract and Benefits
400- School Transportation
500- Safe Schools Expectations
600- Finance/

Overseas Schools Administration Policy and Regulations

Policy Index by OSAP Section

 100- Regulations And Organization
 200- Classroom Management
 300- Teacher Contract And Benefits
 400- School Transportation
 500- Safe Schools Expectations
 600- Finance/Administration/Purchase

Policy Index by Letter

 A |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I |  J |  K |  L |  M |  N |  O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y |  Z

300- Teacher Contract And Benefits

300.1 Loan of Service Agreement (LOSA) - Teacher Selection DND Dependants Schools Overseas
300.01.1 Composition And Terms Of Reference Of The National Defence Headquarters Teachers Selection Committee
Annex A Purchase Order / Teacher Selection Committee
300.01.11 Teaching Opportunities at DND Dependants Schools Overseas
300.01.12 Overview Of Working Conditions And Desired Qualifications
300.01.13 Principal Recruiting Poster
300.01.14 Teacher Recruiting Poster
300.01.2 Application Information Form for LOSA - Teacher
300.01.21 LOSA Assessment Requirements
300.01.3 Application Information Form for LOSA - Principal
300.01.4 Examples of Documentation Required Upon Being Offered a Loan of Service Agreement Assignment Overseas
Annex A LOSA Medical Requirements - Report of Physical Examination (Example)
Annex B LOSA Criminal Background Check Requirements (Example)
Appendix 1 Personal Screening Request and Authorization (Example)
Annex C LOSA Confidentiality Agreement Requirements (Example)
Annex D Screening for a Posting Outside Canada – Questionnaire on Educational Performance of Dependants (Example)
300.01.5 Application Observation Form (Example)
300.2 Teacher Contract – Loan Of Service Agreement
300.02.1 Loan Of Service Agreement
300.02.2 Not Issued
300.02.3 Not Issued
300.02.4 Not Issued
300.02.5 Not Issued
300.3 Teacher Sponsorship Program
300.03.1 Teachers' Sponsorship Program – Teachers Assigned To DND Dependants Schools Overseas
Annex A Sponsor's Guide
Annex B Legal Implications
Annex C Taxation / Banking
Annex D Postal Services
Annex E Family Fact Sheet
Annex F Relocation Planner
300.4 Moving To Europe And Moving From Europe
300.04.1 Policy, Definitions And Procedures Associated With Moving To Europe And Moving From Europe
Annex A Definitions
300.04.2 Selection Administration
300.04.3 Timeline – Move To Europe
300.04.4 Timelines – Moving From Europe
300.04.5 Matrix – Moving To Europe
Annex A Checklist Of Things To Do On Arrival In Europe
Annex B Dependent Education Support Centre IN/OUT Clearance Form
300.04.6 Matrix – Moving From Europe
Annex A Things To Do – Teachers Returning To Canada
300.04.7 House Hunting Trip
Annex A Purchase Order – Application For House Hunting Trip – Move To Europe
Annex B Purchase Order – Application For House Hunting Trip – Move To Canada
Annex C Purchase Order – Application For Rent In Advance Of A Move
300.04.8 Home Inspection Trip
Annex A Purchase Order For Home Inspection Trip
300.04.9 Reimbursement Procedures
300.04.10 Pet Shipment
300.04.11 Shipment Of PMV
Annex A Moving To Europe And Moving From Europe – Purchase Order For Shipment Of PMV
Top of Page
300.04.12 Relocation Transportation – Air, Returning By Sea
Annex A Moving To Europe And Moving From Europe – Purchase Order For Air Travel
Annex B Moving From Europe – Purchase Order For Travel By Sea
300.04.13 Move Of Household Goods And Effects And Storage
Annex A Inventory Of Household Goods And Effects
Annex B Purchase Order For Teachers' Long Term Storage (LTS)
Annex C Foot And Mouth Disease (FMD) Directive By CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency)
Annex D Foot And Mouth Disease (FMD) Declaration
300.04.14 Interim Lodging, Meals And Incidentals
300.04.15 Change Of Destination From Europe
Annex A Purchase Order /Application For Change Of Destination From Europe
300.5 Teachers Foreign Service Benefits Under Military Foreign Service Instruction
300.05.1 Foreign Service Benefits – Teachers
Annex A Annual Post Living Allowance (2003 Policy)
Annex B Teacher's Allowance/Personal Information And Annual Verification
Annex C Purchase Order For MFSI Allowances
Annex D Request For Vacation Travel Allowance (VTA)
Annex E Purchase Order / Request For Vacation Travel Allowance
300.6 Health Care
300.06.1 Health Expense Insurance Plan
300.06.2 Dental Insurance Plan
300.06.3 Group Insurance Plan
300.06.4 Out Of Country Hospital / Medical Coverage And Medical Evacuation For losses Caused By Or Resulting From An Act Of War Or Terrorism
300.7 LOSA Teachers Absence Policy
300.07.1 Professional Staff Absence
Annex A Leave Report
Annex B DND Dependants School Overseas – Monthly Statistical Report Of Attendance
Annex C Principal's Monthly Attendance Report
300.07.2 Compassionate Travel Allowance
Annex A Request For Compassionate Travel Allowance
Annex B Purchase Order/Compassionate Travel Request
300.07.3 Travel Away From Place Of Duty – Emergency Information
Annex A DND/CF School Teacher Travel Information
300.8 Pedagogical Administration
300.08.1 Pedagogical Administration of DND Dependants Schools Overseas
300.08.2 LOSA Selection Criteria for DND Dependants Schools Overseas
300.08.10 LOSA Extension Program Process for DND Dependants Schools Overseas
Annex A Application For A Teacher’s LOSA
Annex B Application For Principal’s LOSA
Annex C Application Letter To Sponsoring Board Requesting Extension Of Your LOSA (Sample)
Annex D Request For Extension – School Board Reply (Sample)
300.08.20 Performance Objectives -For Administrators/ Principals And Teaching Staff Assigned To DND Dependants Schools Overseas
300.08.21 Performance Objectives for Teachers
Annex A Annual Learning Plan
Annex B Pre-Observation Meeting Before Completing Performance Objectives On A Teachers
Annex C Teacher Performance Objectives
Annex D Post –Observation Meeting After Completing Performance Objectives On A Teacher
Annex E Teacher’s Information Log – Professional Development, Extra Curricular and Community Services
300.08.22 Performance Objectives For Principals (not issued)
Annex A Principals Goals/Objectives And Measurement (not issued)
Annex B Principals Performance Report (not issued)
Annex C Entry Plan First Year Of Appointment (not issued)
300.08.30 DND Dependants School Overseas - Professional Development
Annex A Purchase Order – Professional Development