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S-A-01:2002 - 5.0 Accreditation Process [revised 2005-01-10]

5.0 Accreditation Process

5.1 General

The following sections describe the accreditation process in general terms.

Measurement Canada personnel are available to assist the organization in determining the feasibility of gaining accreditation by supplying all of the relevant documentation and providing an in depth description and explanation of the accreditation processes and program. The application form for Authorization for Service Providers is to be used for all subsequent expansions of scope applications.

5.1.1 Application for Accreditation

  • Any organization that is willing to comply with the requirements stipulated in this standard and that meet the eligibility requirements may apply for accreditation. In making such an application, the organization agrees to abide by the policies and procedures established by Measurement Canada.
  • Following the application, the organization shall submit copies of the quality system documentation developed to meet the requirements of Criteria for the Accreditation of Organizations to Perform Inspections Pursuant to the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act and the Weights and Measures Act (S-A-01:2002) to the specified Measurement Canada Office(s) for evaluation.
  • The local Measurement Canada District Office or Lead Auditor will determine how many copies of the quality documents are required. The local District Office(s) is responsible for maintaining the official copy of quality system documentation from accredited organizations. The Innovative Services Directorate is responsible for maintaining the official copy of the quality system documentation submitted by organizations from outside of Canada.
  • To be eligible for the accreditation program and to maintain accreditation, organizations interested in performing inspections under the weights and measures act, shall have at least one recognized technician as their employee or undertake the steps required to have one of their technicians recognized. Accredited organizations cannot issue inspection certificates on behalf of Measurement Canada through recognized technicians who are not their employee(s), over whom they have no authority or with whom there is no employer-employee relationship.
  • Refer to Appendix 1 for an Application for Authorization for Service Providers form.

5.1.2 Evaluation of Applicant’s Documentation

The applicant’s documentation shall be evaluated by Measurement Canada personnel for adequacy. A report summarizing how the applicant has successfully or unsuccessfully met all applicable criteria and requirements shall be provided.

When the applicant’s documentation meets all applicable criteria and requirements, Measurement Canada shall issue a letter accepting the quality system documentation.

The applicant shall implement the quality system for an adequate period prior to a Measurement Canada audit taking place. This implementation phase may vary from one client to another depending on the scope of the application and is to be determined by Measurement Canada. Measurement Canada may perform a pre-assessment prior to an accreditation audit to ensure that the applicant is prepared.

5.1.3 Witness Inspection Process

Witness inspection is a non mandatory process applicable to any organization seeking accreditation. It is meant to facilitate the organization’s implementation of its quality management system prior to an accreditation audit. During this process, Measurement Canada issues the inspection certificates, however the organization performs all other work set out in its quality management system. Measurement Canada personnel may provide guidance to organizations and technicians during the witness inspection process. Usual fees for the issuance of certificate by Measurement Canada are applicable. No additional fees are assessed for the witness inspection process. Responsibilities - Measurement Canada

It is the responsibility of the Measurement Canada District Manager to provide qualified inspection staff, in the context of an agreed-to schedule, for the purposes of the witness inspection process.

Measurement Canada regional technical specialists, in consultation with the organization, the lead auditor and the regional accreditation coordinator, may aid in the determination of which devices or device types are to be inspected using this process.

It is the responsibility of the Measurement Canada inspector to report to the lead auditor and the regional accreditation coordinator on the progress achieved by organization’s staff as an outcome of the witnessed inspections.

A written report of the observations and findings arising from the witness inspection process will be issued. This report will include a summary conclusion indicating the Measurement Canada inspectors' recommendations concerning further witness inspections.

In the event that the organization is not prepared to pursue the witness inspection process, the District Manager, in consultation with the regional accreditation coordinator, may decide to suspend witness inspection activities. Responsibilities - Applicant

It is the responsibility of the applicant to:
    a) have documented and implemented a quality management system, acceptable to Measurement Canada;

    b) have meter shop personnel available, in the context of an agreed-to schedule;

    c) have required documentation (such as certificates) accepted by Measurement Canada, available for use; and

    d) have appropriate and sufficient measuring and test equipment and product (devices) available to conduct the witness inspections.

All inspections and certifications conducted under this process shall be performed in accordance with the requirements and specifications of the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act and the Weights and Measures Act, as appropriate. Procedures

An applicant will be eligible to participate in the witnessed inspection process only upon Measurement Canada acceptance of the quality management system documentation. Organizations seeking accreditation to perform inspections pursuant to the Weights and Measures Act shall also have completed the mandatory training.

Witnessed inspections shall be scheduled with the local Measurement Canada District Manager. The duration of the witness inspection process shall be 5 working days per device type, up to a maximum of 4 weeks per organization.

Each person identified by the applicant as capable of performing inspections (hereafter referred to as technician) shall participate in the witness inspection process for all relevant devices or device types.

Each technician shall perform, record and evaluate the appropriate tests relevant to the device or device type under test and document the results.

Each technician shall use the appropriate documentation for the purpose, and complete and sign all test results and inspection statements in the manner specified in the organization's quality documentation.

The technician shall demonstrate to the Measurement Canada inspector, the sealing procedure and seals used.

The Measurement Canada inspector shall review with the technician, the inspection findings and resultant decision, the seals and markings used and the completion of the documentation and any other associated procedures for which the technician is responsible.

The Measurement Canada inspector shall then complete the appropriate Measurement Canada documentation such as a certificate and seal or mark the device to communicate its acceptability (or lack thereof) for use in trade. Measurement Canada seals and inspection certificates are to be used.

Where circumstances warrant, after documenting observations, the Measurement Canada inspector may order to be performed necessary or supplementary tests, in order to complete the inspection. Where necessary or supplementary tests need to be ordered in order to confirm the acceptability of the device, the particular witness inspection shall be identified as "not acceptable in all respects" and documented as such.

All documentation associated with the witness inspection process shall be retained as quality records and may be used in the records of qualification of staff to perform inspections.

The inspection fees identified in the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act and Regulations and the Weights and Measures Act and Regulations, as appropriate, shall apply.

5.1.4 Accreditation Audit

Measurement Canada shall perform a complete quality system audit to ensure that the quality management system that has been described in the applicant’s qualiry system documentation has been implemented successfully. The purpose of the quality system audit is to gather objective evidence that the applicant is capable of fulfilling all of the relevant criteria and requirements.

A report summarizing how the applicant has successfully or unsuccessfully met all applicable criteria and requirements shall be provided.

5.1.5 Granting of Accreditation

The granting of accreditation by the President of Measurement Canada (Director under the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act and Regulations) will be based on the information provided by the applicant as well as the applicant’s ability to demonstrate compliance with the requirements. Objective evidence of compliance will be obtained through the documentation review process and the accreditation audit.

Once granted, the accreditation is not transferable. In the case of a name or ownership change of the organization, the agreement is no longer valid. A new application must be submitted to and accepted by Measurement Canada before the organization can proceed to perform any inspection activities on behalf of Measurement Canada.

For organizations to perform inspections under the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act, the accreditation will be granted by the President of Measurement Canada pursuant to Section 10 of the Act.

For organizations to perform inspections pursuant to the Weights and Measures Act, the organization and the President of Measurement Canada, on behalf of the Minister, will enter into an agreement and the organization will be appointed as inspector. This Agreement will be in effect from the date of execution and may be terminated by mutual agreement of the parties with a 90 day notice and in accordance with section 17 of the Agreement. Refer to Appendix 2 for an example of the Weights and Measures accreditation agreement.

In the event an application for accreditation is not accepted, the applicant will be advised of the reasons for non-acceptance.

5.1.6 Maintenance of Accreditation

As a minimum, Measurement Canada will perform periodic surveillance and product audits of accredited organizations to confirm continuing compliance with the criteria and requirements for accreditation. The scope of the surveillance audits may include any or all of the aspects covered in the initial comprehensive audit. Weights and Measures Product Audits

Weights and Measures product audits are to be planned in such a manner that as a minimum, over a three year period, all recognized technicians and devices under an accredited organization’s scope have been audited. Electricity and Gas Product Audits

Electricity and Gas product audits are to be planned in such a manner that as a minimum, over a three year period, all device types under an accredited organization’s scope have been audited.

5.2 Suspension of Accreditation

In instances when an accredited organization demonstrates an inability to continue meeting the applicable criteria and requirements, Measurement Canada may suspend all or part of the organization’s accreditation program until appropriate corrective action is taken.

An accredited organization may voluntarily suspend its accreditation. An organization that voluntarily suspends its accreditation shall demonstrate, through appropriate objective evidence, that the program has been fully implemented before Measurement Canada will reinstate the program. An audit by Measurement Canada may be required before reinstatement.

5.3 Revocation of Accreditation

In the case of non-compliance with the conditions on which accreditation was initially granted, the organization concerned will be advised of this fact and withdrawal of any or all of the accreditation may be implemented.

The President of Measurement Canada may revoke accreditation for organizations accredited to perform inspections pursuant to the Weights and Measures Act.

The Minister may revoke accreditation for organizations accredited to perform inspections under the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act in accordance with the provisions of the Act and Regulations.

5.4 Expansions of Scope, Minor Revisions and Expansions to Additional Locations

5.4.1 Expansions of Scope

Expansions of scope shall be accepted by Measurement Canada prior to implementation. A request for an expansion of scope shall be submitted in writing (Application for Authorization for Service Providers form) by the accredited organization to Measurement Canada. Upon acceptance the Innovative Services Directorate of Measurement Canada will provide the applicant with a written approval of the modification. Expansions of scope include:
    a) adding compliance sampling or changes to an existing compliance sampling method;
    b) changes that require the use of additional measuring apparatus or testing equipment;
    c) changes to the certification of measuring apparatus or testing equipment such as the addition of test points;
    d) change involving a legal entity name change, a new ownership and/or organizational structure changes;
    e) changes to the accreditation status such as moving from utility to Meter Service Organization (MSO) status; and
    f) addition of device types for which verification procedures do not exist, the addition of functions that are not currently verified, and the addition of test locations.

5.4.2 Minor Revisions Requiring Measurement Canada Regional Acceptance

The following are considered minor revisions that require Measurement Canada regional acceptance only:
    a) addition of models to the accreditation scope which does not require any changes to the quality management system; and
    b) additions of functions to be verified on a meter for which the organization has already been authorized to verify on other meters.

Upon acceptance, the Regional Accreditation Coordinator will issue a written notification to the applicant.

5.4.3 Minor Revisions Requiring Notification

The following are minor revisions that require notification but do not require Measurement Canada acceptance:
    a) editorial changes (e.g. grammatical, spelling, wording) to the quality system documentation;
    b) replacement or up-grade of measuring apparatus or test equipment used for the verification of meters within the organization’s existing field of accreditation, provided that these apparatus or equipment have been calibrated and certified by Measurement Canada;
    c) deletion of fields of accreditations; and
    d) addition of staff involved in the organization’s quality management system or revisions to the titles of positions.

A notice of the modification shall be submitted in writing by the accredited organization to the local Measurement Canada Regional Accreditation Coordinator.

5.4.4 Expansions to Additional Locations

An organization may expand the scope of its accreditation program to include additional locations, including locations owned by other organizations, under the following conditions:
    a) an application which states which specific fields of metrological verification will apply at each location shall be submitted by the applicant to Measurement Canada;

    b) the applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that all aspects of the quality management system at the additional location(s) meet accreditation program requirements;

    c) the applicant shall submit quality management system documentation for each additional location. The documentation shall be approved and authorized by the applicant’s senior management and by the senior management from the additional location prior to Measurement Canada acceptance;

    d) the applicant shall demonstrate to Measurement Canada that an acceptable quality management system has been developed and implemented ensuring all requirements from the program elements contained in the accreditation standard are adequately addressed for each additional location;

    e) the applicant shall include, in its internal quality audit program, the activities and functions taking place at each additional location;

    f) the activities and functions taking place at additional locations will be subject to Measurement Canada accreditation, surveillance and product audits; and

    g) the applicant shall ensure nonconformances at the additional locations are adequately addressed. Any necessary enforcement action will be directed to the applicant, as well as the additional location. Expansion to Additional Locations for Accredited Weights and Measures Organizations

An accredited organization applying for an expansion for an additional location or site, under its quality system umbrella, would not be issued a new accreditation certificate and number for this additional location or site.

Any additional location or site developing its own quality system, even under the umbrella of an accredited organization, would be considered as applying for accreditation and would be issued its own accreditation certificate and number.

5.4.5 Expansions of Scope / Outstanding Nonconformances

Measurement Canada will not process applications for expansions of scope if the applicant has not adequately addressed or resolved outstanding nonconformances.
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    Created: 2004-06-03
Updated: 2005-01-07
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