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September 21, 2006

McGuinty Government Helping Students With Autism Reach their Full Potential

Experts On Autism Spectrum Disorders Brought Together To Advise Ministers

TORONTO — The McGuinty government has created a reference group to advise on the most effective ways to meet the needs of students with autism spectrum disorders, Education Minister Kathleen Wynne and Children and Youth Services Minister Mary Anne Chambers announced today.

“I am fully committed to reaching every student, especially those with autism who face unique challenges in the classroom,” said Wynne. “I’m pleased to have some of the brightest minds on autism partnering with us to review the educational supports these students need to succeed.”

The reference group will meet once a month starting today and present a report to the Minister of Education and the Minister of Children and Youth Services by the end of January 2007.

“Our government is building and improving the continuum of services from the time children with autism are diagnosed right through their school years,” said Minister of Children and Youth Services Mary Anne Chambers. “This reference group is an important step to provide children and youth with autism the support they need to be successful in school.”

The group is composed of 12 individuals from across the province, including parents, researchers, educators and autism experts. They will be responsible for:

  • Identifying successful education practices in Ontario and other jurisdictions
  • Providing valuable advice and opinions based on their personal background and expertise
  • Finalizing a group report and presenting it to both ministers.

Lynn Ziraldo, executive director of the York Region Learning Disabilities Association and outgoing chair of the Minister of Education’s Advisory Council on Special Education, will serve as reference group chairperson.

“Students with autism deserve the best education possible,” said Ziraldo. “I appreciate the invitation by this government to join leaders in the autism community to take a more comprehensive look at what educational practices can have the greatest positive impact on students with autism.”

There are currently more than 7,000 students with autism in Ontario’s public education system. They face a wide range of challenges in the classroom, especially in the areas of communication, behaviour and social skills.

The new autism spectrum disorders reference group is just one way the McGuinty government is improving resources and services for children and youth with autism in Ontario. Other initiatives include:

  • Investing $5 million in training through the Geneva Centre for Autism for teachers’ assistants who work with students with autism
  • Doubling the government investment to more than $112 million annually for services for children and youth with autism and their families
  • Investing an additional $8.6 million in the autism intervention program for 2006-07 to increase the number of children receiving Intensive Behavioural Intervention (IBI) by 70 per cent compared to April 2004 regardless of their age
  • Reducing the number of children waiting for assessments by 68 per cent since April 2004.

“We have brought educators, parents, researchers and experts to the table to help us develop a comprehensive plan that will improve the learning environment for students with autism,” said Wynne.

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