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Today's Child - November 2006

Today's ChildKyle is a gentle and lovable 5-year-old who is interested in cars and music.  He also loves the outdoors, and over the past two summers he has enjoyed trips to the cottage with his foster family.  Although he is hesitant to try new things, once he is comfortable he becomes more confident and enjoys the activity. 

He attends a full-time specialized school program.  Kyle gets along with other children and is not an aggressive child.  Kyle prefers to have very predictable routines.

Kyle is in good health despite being on a mainly liquid diet, and he is a good sleeper.  He has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.  Although he has delays in his development, he has made progress with therapy that promotes repetition and structured routine.  He can now say a few words and is able to carry out simple commands. 

Kyle will thrive in a family environment that is both stimulating and predictable.  Because of his gentle nature, he would do well in a family with other children of any age.  Older siblings would act as good role models for Kyle.  He would benefit from continued intensive therapy.  A family for Kyle should be good advocates to support his needs.

If you think your family could be the right one for Kyle, please call the Adoption Council of Canada at 1-888-542-3678.  Leave your name and telephone number and be sure to identify the child you are calling about.  Information is also available from the Adoption Council of Ontario at 416-482-0021 or or from AdoptOntario at

AdoptOntario is a partnership between Children's Aid Societies, the Adoption Council of Ontario, private adoption professionals and the Ministry of Children and Youth Services, to recruit adoption homes for children.

AdoptOntario gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation, an agency of the Ministry of Culture, which receives annually $100 million in government funding generated through Ontario's charity casino initiative.

For more information about adoption, visit the website

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Last Modified: 11/22/2006 6:11:01 PM