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March 27, 2006

McGuinty Government Strengthening Ontario's Child Protection System

Legislation Improves Accountability And Provides Stability To Vulnerable Children And Youth


QUEEN'S PARK – Ontario's new child protection legislation will help more children in the child protection system grow up in stable, caring homes, and make children's aid societies stronger and more accountable to the families and communities they serve, Children and Youth Services Minister Mary Anne Chambers announced today.


"Our goal has always been to build a child protection system that works exceedingly well for vulnerable children," said Chambers following passage of Bill 210, the Child and Family Services Statute Law Amendment Act, 2005, in the Ontario legislature.  The legislation is part of the government's broad reforms to improve the lives of vulnerable children and strengthen Ontario's child protection system by expanding adoption options and improving safeguards for children and youth referred to a children's aid society.


"This legislation will clearly place the interests of children first," said Chambers.


Ontario's 53 children's aid societies represent children and youth who have been or are at risk of being abused or neglected.  Children's aid societies receive approximately 160,000 calls reporting child abuse and neglect each year and there are about 9,000 children in their permanent care (Crown wards).  Only about 10 per cent of those children are adopted every year.  On average, young people in foster and group homes move every 22 months.


"Through no fault of their own, they have faced incredible challenges," said Chambers.  "We want them to have the opportunity to thrive and have bright futures."


When fully implemented, child protection reform will:


·          Increase the accountability of children's aid societies through a stronger, more timely complaints process.  Under the new changes, families could bring complaints forward to a neutral third party, the Child and Family Services Review Board, over which the Ombudsman will have jurisdiction.  CFSRB decisions will be binding.  This process builds on existing safeguards, including the Auditor General and the Coroner's Office

·          Allow more children to be adopted while keeping important ties to their birth family and community through open adoption agreements

·          Provide more options for children who can't be adopted so they can grow up in caring, permanent homes.  For Aboriginal children and youth, customary care arrangements that allow them to keep important cultural and family ties will be emphasized

·          Bring consistency to the adoption application process, making it simpler and easier for prospective parents

·          Create a provincewide registry to help match available children with prospective parents

·          Where needed, provide support to parents after an adoption is complete

·          Help resolve child protection cases outside of the courtroom more quickly through collaborative solutions such as mediation

·          Provide children's aid societies with the tools to support and strengthen families facing challenges, so they can take better care of their children

·          Make children's aid societies more sustainable and accountable through a new funding framework.


"We are encouraged by the steps taken by the government to promote greater stability for children and help them grow up in permanent, loving and supportive homes," said Pat Fenton, Executive Director of the Adoption Council of Ontario.


"The changes we are making in our child protection system reflect this government's priorities of health, education and strong communities," said Chambers.  "By helping the children and youth in our communities who truly need our support and protection, we are providing hope and opportunity to our most vulnerable young people."


For More Information:


  • June 6, 2005

News Release

·        McGuinty Government To Make Adoption Possible For More Children



·        Providing More Options For Children And Youth

·        Helping More Children Find Permanent Homes: Highlights Of The McGuinty Government's Plan     


Fact Sheets

·        What The Experts Are Saying

·        Making Adoption Easier For Kids And Simpler For Parents



·        Statement to the Legislative Assembly

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