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Workplace Safety and Insurance Board

Ministry of Labour

Executive Summary
Follow-Up Review of the 2004 Independent Third Party Audit Report of the WSIB

May 2006

Audit-Tax-Consulting-Financial Advisors
Issued: November 27, 2006
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From March to May of 2004, an independent audit of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) was conducted by Grant Thornton LLP on behalf of the Internal Audit Division of the Management Board Secretariat serving the Ministry of Labour. An Independent Third Party Audit report was prepared which included several issues and recommendations for enhancements throughout the organization. The recommendations were identified to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of management practices and to improve internal controls.

Deloitte & Touche LLP (Deloitte) was engaged by the Ministry of Labour to perform a follow up review of the recommendations identified in the 2004 Independent Third Party Audit Report of the WSIB. Each recommendation identified in the Independent Third Party Audit Report was reviewed to determine whether the recommendation had been assessed by the WSIB and the extent to which each recommendation had been addressed and the related action steps (or tasks) implemented. There were some recommendations in the report that were addressed by the WSIB but the authority to implement the recommendation resides with the Provincial Government (Ministry of Labour).

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Approach and Overall Findings

There were 64 recommendations contained in the 2004 Independent Third Party Audit Report of the WSIB in the following areas:

The Corporate and Administrative Services section was further broken down into the following areas:

The complete list of the 64 2004 Independent Third Party Audit Report recommendations is provided in Appendix 2 in the full report.

The WSIB assessed and identified action steps to address each recommendation contained within the 2004 audit report that was within their control and developed an audit response plan that was aligned with eight key modern management areas:

The WSIB identified 72 distinct tasks within these eight modern management areas and accountability was established by identifying a leader for each distinct task who was responsible for completing the assigned task. The complete list of the 72 distinct tasks is provided in Appendix 3 in the full report.

The WSIB provided a mapping document which aligned the 72 distinct tasks (or action steps) in their audit response plan to the 64 recommendations in the 2004 Independent Third Party Audit Report. In some cases one task specifically addressed one recommendation while in other cases there were multiple tasks that were required to address a single recommendation. More details on this mapping process are provided in Appendix 4 in the full report.

The WSIB provided a baseline status update for each of the 64 recommendations as of April 1, 2006. This baseline status update provided the WSIB with the opportunity to outline the tasks that had been completed by the organization in response to the recommendations.

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Deloitte Overall Findings

On an overall basis, the WSIB has made significant progress in responding to the 64 recommendations in the 2004 Report. All of the recommendations were assessed by WSIB. The WSIB comprehensive response approach included the mapping of tasks to address each recommendation. In addition the WSIB developed solutions to the root cause of the underlying issues, aligned to the eight modern management areas identified above.

The action steps (or tasks) identified by WSIB to substantially address 59 of the recommendations have been completed. In five of these instances, the WSIB has addressed the recommendation to the extent possible but the authority to complete the recommendation resides with the Provincial Government (Ministry of Labour). The remaining action steps required for four of these recommendations are expected to be completed in 2006.

The WSIB identified, initiated and completed a number of action steps in a further five recommendations. These are evolving processes and the WSIB has plans in place to further develop these areas to practice maturity with time horizons beyond 2006. These plans will include the implementation of tactical solutions to enhance adoption of processes as they are entrenched into the WSIB culture. We recommend that WSIB management continue to monitor the activities that are not fully complete to ensure that appropriate action steps continue to be taken.

Based on our review of the information provided as described in the Project Approach, Section 3 in the full report, the WSIB has established many business processes and controls that are adequate and appropriate to promote sound business practices. As with any organization, establishing and maintaining an effective risk management and control environment will require effective and continuous monitoring of the organization’s changing enterprise wide risks for possible additional control requirements as well as the continuous monitoring of existing controls to confirm they are designed and operating effectively.

More detailed Deloitte findings are provided in Section 4 in the full report.

The 64 recommendations in the May 2004 audit report were reviewed by Deloitte and summarized as follows:

1. Completed The WSIB has completed the recommendation as stated in the 2004 audit report.
2. Steps taken, no further action required The WSIB has assessed the recommendation and implemented action steps intended to address the substance of the underlying issue. The WSIB has determined that no further action is required.
3. In progress The WSIB has assessed the recommendation and implemented action steps which substantially address the recommendation. The WSIB intends to complete the remaining action steps in 2006.
4. Requires government action to complete The WSIB has addressed the recommendation to the extent possible but the authority to complete the recommendation in the 2004 audit report resides with the Provincial Government.
5. Planning underway The WSIB has assessed the recommendation and has begun to implement an action plan with time horizons beyond 2006, intended to ensure continuous improvement as this area matures.


The following table summarizes the extent to which each recommendation has been assessed and completed.

  completed Steps taken, no further action required In progress Requires government action to complete Planning underway Total
Corporate and Administrative Services
Budget Process and Financial Operating Results Oversight 4 2 1 0 0 7
Past Value for Money Audits 1 0 0 0 0 1
Procurement 5 1 0 0 0 6
Board of Directors and Executive Expenses 6 1 0 0 0 7
Grants 1 0 1 0 0 2
Facilities Planning and Management 2 0 1 0 0 3
Investments 1 0 1 2 0 4
Corporate Project and Program Management 13 0 0 1 2 16
Information Services Division Effectiveness and Efficiency 9 0 0 0 3 12
Modern Controllership 3 1 0 2 0 6
Total 45 5 4 5 5 64


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WSIB Management Comments

The WSIB has been committed and dedicated to acting upon the recommendations for further improvement outlined in the original audit. The WSIB is on a journey of continuous improvement and has taken this opportunity to build on our organizational excellence and accomplishments. We have worked diligently over the last 18 months to respond to and address all the recommendations in the original audit that are within our control.

To properly address these recommendations, the WSIB developed an Audit Response Plan that is aligned with the eight key modern management areas identified in the audit. In order to embed sound management practices throughout the organization, we have not only responded to the audit recommendations but have developed solutions to the root cause of the issues identified. The WSIB has established and instituted sound policies and processes to improve the overall governance and management practices of the organization that will become fully integrated and entrenched into the WSIB culture and work ethic.

The WSIB’s new Modern Management Model (previously referred to as Modern Controllership) has paved the way for the WSIB to embark on a journey that will springboard the organization into the future, while ensuring we remain open, accountable and transparent to the government, workers and employers of the province.

WSIB senior management wishes to thank Deloitte for their input into improving business practices at the WSIB.

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Review of Status of Recommendations

The following section provides additional commentary related to the recommendations in the 2004 Independent Third Party Audit Report.

Corporate and Administrative Services

Budget Process and Financial Operating Results Oversight

  completed Steps taken, no further action required In progress Requires government action to complete Planning underway Total
Corporate and Administrative Services
Budget Process and Financial Operating Results Oversight 4 2 1 0 0 7
Past Value for Money Audits 1 0 0 0 0 1
Procurement 5 1 0 0 0 6
Board of Directors and Executive Expenses 6 1 0 0 0 7
Grants 1 0 1 0 0 2
Facilities Planning and Management 2 0 1 0 0 3
Total 19 4 3 0 0 26


Past Value for Money Audits


Board of Directors and Executive Expenses


Facilities Planning and Management

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  Complete Steps taken, no further action required In progress Requires government action to complete Planning underway Total
Investments 1 0 1 2 0 4


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Corporate Project and Program Management

  Completed Steps taken, no further action required In progress Requires government action to complete Planning underway Total
Corporate Project and Program Management 13 0 0 1 2 16


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Information Services Division Effectiveness and Efficiency

  Complete Steps taken, no further action required In progress Requires government action to complete Planning underway Total
Information Services Division Effectiveness and Efficiency 9 0 0 0 3 12


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Modern Controllership

  Complete Steps taken, no further action required In progress Requires government action to complete Planning underway Total
Modern Controllership 3 1 0 2 0 6


The detailed findings for each of the recommendations are contained in Section 4 of the full report.

Deloitte would like to take this opportunity to extend our appreciation for the courtesies and co-operation extended to our representatives by WSIB throughout this engagement.


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