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Location: Ministry of Government Services > Archives of Ontario > New Registration And Circulation And Retrieval Systems

New Registration And Circulation And Retrieval Systems

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The Archives of Ontario is pleased to announce that it has implemented a new electronic Researcher Registration System.  All new and existing researchers using the reading rooms at the Archives of Ontario will be issued with new bar coded registration cards. 

Once issued with a new card, registration on subsequent visits will be quicker as registered researchers visiting the main floor reading room will have the ability to sign themselves in/out by using a bar code scanner at the reading room security guard desk.  A reference archivist will also be able to register researchers into the Special Collections and SMI Reading Rooms by scanning registration cards.  The registration cards will also be used to circulate containers of archival records to researchers.

Please Remember

  • Bring identification to facilitate the registration process during your next visit if you have not already received one of the new bar coded registration cards.
  • Bring your registration card each time you visit to facilitate registration and, if you wish to view archival records, to enable us to scan containers of archival records to your registration card.
Archives of Ontario - Bridging the Past, the Present and the Future