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Documenting a Province: The Archives of Ontario at 100

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Documenting a Province: The Archives of Ontario at 100 is a commemorative volume that celebrates the centenary of Ontario’s premier archival repository. The Archives of Ontario has over 3.5 million photographs, 35 000 maps and 150 000 architectural drawings – not to mention kilometres of textual records!

Since 1903 the Archives of Ontario has held these records in trust for the people of Ontario, and this anniversary publication has provided us with an opportunity to share some of our treasures. The commemorative book provides a snapshot of the Archives diverse collections including maps of early exploration, documentation of land settlement, sculptures and paintings of historical personalities, photographs showing the development of Ontario’s natural resources, perspective drawings of our built heritage, just to showcase a few of the book features.

Documenting a Province: The Archives of Ontario at 100

This illustrated book is a “must-have” for students, history buffs genealogists, or anyone interested in Ontario’s rich documentary legacy.

Documenting a Province: The Archives of Ontario at 100 sells for $50.00 (plus applicable taxes) and is available at most bookstores. Or you may order it directly from the University of Toronto Press (Tel. # 416-667-7791 or 1-800-565-9523 and Fax # 416-667-7832 or 1-800-221-9985).