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Ontario History Quest - Page Banner Ontario History Quest: 1820s - 1970s - Discovering Documentary Heritage - Page Banner 
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The Archives of Ontario, in partnership with the Toronto Public Library and the City of Toronto Archives, presents Ontario History Quest an online learning resource for Ontario students in grades 7, 8, 10 and 12 studying history from 1820-1970.

The site, designed to meet the Ontario Ministry of Education curriculum requirements, operates in a closed Internet environment. At the website, at, Grade 7 and 8 students can undertake their learning completely while Grade 10 and 12 students may also be directed to the complementary OHQ Digital Collections web site with searchable databases of over 3,300 primary and secondary source materials.

For each grade, OHQ provides Introductory Activities and a “Webquest” where students have the opportunity to learn about Ontario history through the exploration of original letters, diaries, pictures and other documents. Teacher packages are provided for each grade.

The project was made possible in part through the Ontario Ministry of Culture Library Strategic Development Fund: Digital Alliances Programme.

Photo: Young Boy wiith Newspapers