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Records Management

Records Information Management - Side Banner       In addition to its archival preservation and access functions, the Archives of Ontario plays a leadership role in the Ontario Government's records management program.

The Archives develops standards and procedures for all ministries and many provincial agencies to follow in managing their documents and data in paper, electronic, and other forms. It provides advice to records management staff, program managers, IT specialists and others within the Ontario Public Service. This role is based on the Archives Act and authority delegated by Management Board of Cabinet in Management Board Directive Management of Recorded Information.

The Archives also coordinates the government's records scheduling process. This process determines how long different kinds of records need to be kept, which should then be destroyed and which need to be preserved as permanent archival records. The Archives works with ministries to identify records which have long-term value and authorizes the timely disposal of those which are no longer needed. This process saves the Ontario Government millions of dollars annually in records maintenance costs while ensuring that important information is protected.

The Archives provides training to government staff on records scheduling and other records management topics, advises ministries on the disposition of records in provincial programs which are being closed, transferred, partnered or privatized, and authorizes changes in records custody.


Note: If you are a member of the Ontario Public Service and would like more information on Recorded Information Management, please click here.
Provincial government agencies can find more information about recorded information management on the AGNES website (click here).

The need to ensure the availability, accessibility and integrity of the government's information holdings is especially challenging in an electronic information environment. The Archives works with information management staff, program staff and information technology specialists to address electronic records issues. It also participates in the development of government-wide information and information technology strategies and plans.

The Archives produces a variety of materials to assist Ontario Government ministries and agencies in managing their information holdings, including the following:

Fact Sheets

The Fact Sheets offer concise tips and advice on the management of records.

Information Bulletins

The Information Bulletins explore special topics in records management.

Guidelines for the Ontario Government's Records Scheduling Program

The Guidelines provide detailed direction on managing the retention and disposal of records through the Government's records scheduling program.