The creation of the Ministry of Health Promotion confirmed the Ontario government's commitment to healthy, active living as the most effective way to improve the health all Ontarians. The ministry’s mission, in part, is to create a culture of health and well-being in Ontario and to provide the tools to enhance this effort.

To be successful in its mission, the ministry has identified four priority areas, including smoking cessation, injury prevention and mental health and addiction. The fourth priority is healthy and active living, which addresses nutrition and physical activity & sport participation, key factors that impact health, as identified in the Healthy Weights, Healthy Lives report by the Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Sheela Basrur.

Guided by the ministry’s principles of empowerment, education and engagement, Minister of Health Promotion Jim Watson consulted with individuals, organizations, communities, other ministries and the private sector. In January and February 2006, Minister Watson and Parliamentary Assistant Peter Fonseca hosted a series of 11 roundtable discussions in 10 communities throughout Ontario to explore local opportunities for nutrition and physical activity, and how these two factors contribute to healthy, active living.


  • Jan. 30 – Ottawa
  • Jan. 31 – London
  • Feb. 1, 6 – Toronto
  • Feb. 7 – Barrie (high school students)
  • Feb. 8 – Sault Ste. Marie
  • Feb. 9 – Thunder Bay
  • Feb. 15 – Windsor
  • Feb. 17 – Mississauga
  • Feb. 21 – North Bay
  • Feb. 22 – Kingston


A wide range of stakeholders and community representatives were invited to participate in discussions about an action plan that could respond to health challenges such as those outlined in Dr. Basrur’s report.

The Minister asked participants to share details of their expertise and practices related to healthy eating and physical activity. In Barrie, a group of high school students provided personal perspectives, and across the province, up to 1,000 stakeholders participated in roundtable discussions. Roundtable participants included:

  • Sport organizations
  • Community recreation organizations
  • Community health organizations
  • Education professionals
  • Public health units
  • Healthcare professionals
  • Volunteers and interested individuals
  • Private sector organizations


Learn what our stakeholders said.

Our next steps.

Visit the Roundtable photo gallery.