September 28, 2006

Provincial–Territorial Conference of
Ministers Responsible for Sport, Physical Activity, and Recreation

 Ministers Call For Action to Increase Opportunities in Canadian Communities through a Designated National Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation Infrastructure Program


Health Promotion Minister Jim Watson responds to a question from the media at a news conference following the meeting of Provincial and Territorial Ministers responsible for Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation held in Toronto. The Ministers called for increased investment in sport and recreation infrastructure from the federal government to help in improving the health of Canadians.TORONTO - The strain on the healthcare system across Canada is severe as we face an obesity epidemic. The situation will continue to worsen unless all levels of government take action now, in order to offer all Canadians access to sport, physical activity and recreation opportunities, contributing to good health and quality of life.

Speaking to Ministers on the importance of easily accessible and affordable community access to sport, physical activity and recreation facilities from a public health perspective, Dr. Andrew Pipe, University of Ottawa Heart Institute, stated that “It is essential that we address the shortcomings of our present sport, physical activity and recreation infrastructure if we are to have any hope of addressing the tsunami of health issues which will wash over our society unless we become more active.”

As a result, provincial and territorial Ministers responsible for sport, physical activity and recreation urge the federal government to work collaboratively, within a shared mandate, to immediately develop a national sport, physical activity and recreation infrastructure program. Provincial and territorial Ministers have undertaken a review of sport, physical activity and recreation infrastructure in Canada and have estimated a capital deficit of at least $15B nationally.

Collectively, the recreation, parks and sport sectors are the single largest citizen participation enterprise in the country.

Ministers noted that not since the 1967 Centennial Infrastructure Program has there been a comprehensive program dedicated to the design and construction of sport, physical activity and recreation facilities in Canada. With this in mind, Ministers are urging all levels of government to succeed in addressing the sport, physical activity and recreation infrastructure deficit in time for the celebration of Canada’s 150 th anniversary in 2017. Ministers have identified a desire for an investment of $10 billion towards reducing this deficit over a ten year period.

Ministers also believe that this initiative will require all Canadians working together to recapture community spirit, and a commitment to increase the participation rates in sport, physical activity and recreation.

"We must work now to ensure our communities have sport, physical activity and recreational facilities that serve the needs of this and future generations," said Prince Edward Island Minister of Community and Cultural Affairs Honourable Elmer MacFadyen. "These facilities will provide a place for recreation, a place for sport, and a place for active living. They also will supply future generations with the opportunity to develop their talents and skills as athletes in their home communities."

Dr. Bruce Kidd, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education and Health at the University of Toronto indicated that: "The need for a dedicated federal-provincial/territorial sport, physical activity and recreation infrastructure program is an essential component of our capacity to realize the goals of the Canadian Sport Policy, both for high performance sport and broadly based opportunities."

Provincial and territorial ministers responsible for sport, physical activity and recreation urged federal Sport Minister Michael Chong and federal Health Minister Tony Clement to continue to raise the issue with their Cabinet colleagues for consideration in the next federal budget. Provincial and territorial Ministers underlined the fact that the lack of access to sport, physical activity and recreation infrastructure is now a major hurdle in the promotion of healthy and active living. They will be seeking to meet with federal representatives to set out their plan of action.

Based on the success of previous bilateral infrastructure programs, Ministers asked for a national sport and recreation program set with financial resources over and above those spent on the existing infrastructure programs, ensuring that the specific sport, physical activity and recreation needs are addressed without competing with other needs. It is the view of Ministers that now is the time to improve sport, physical activity and recreation infrastructure in Canada and that this would be a significant step in improving the well-being and health of the entire population.

The next regular meeting of Federal, Provincial, Territorial Ministers is scheduled for February 21 and 22, 2007, in Whitehorse, Yukon, during the Canada Winter Games.



For further information:

Connie McNeill
Communications Officer
Department of Community and Cultural Affairs Office of the Attorney General (PEI) (902) 368-5829

Marie-Claude Lavigne
Minister’s Office
Ministry of Education, Recreation and Sport (Quebec)
(418) 644-0664

Adam Grachnik
Minister’s Office

Julie Rosenberg
Ministry of Health Promotion

Naline Rampersad
Communications Branch
(204) 945-1494

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Need For National Investment In Sport And Recreation Infrastructure


Increasing physical activity rates is a priority of the Ontario government as part of its commitment to encourage healthy, active living among Ontarians.

Physical inactivity is a barrier to improving the health of Ontarians. In November 2004, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH) issued the report Healthy Weights, Healthy Lives which called for a broad, province-wide effort across sectors and communities to combat obesity. In 2005, the Conference Board of Canada indicated that healthcare spending due to physical inactivity ranges from $2.1 billion to $5.3 billion annually.

ACTIVE2010, Ontario’s Sport and Physical Activity Strategy, was developed to increase participation in sport and physical activity. In June 2006, the government announced Ontario’s Action Plan for Healthy Eating and Active Living, specifically responding to the CMOH report.

The 2002 Canadian Sport Policy, the 2005 Policy on Aboriginal Peoples’ Participation in Sport and the 2005 Integrated Pan-Canadian Healthy Living Strategy identified the

lack of access to facilities as a significant barrier to participation in various forms of physical activity.

The government of Ontario believes that access to community sport and recreation facilities such as arenas, swimming pools, parks, trails and others can play a significant role in helping Canadians become more physically active.

Ontario Infrastructure Programs


  • The Ontario government provides funding for more than 200 sport and recreation infrastructure projects that were approved as part of the Sport, Culture and Tourism Partnership (SCTP). It is scheduled to end March 31, 2009.
  • The Ontario government provided $8 million for construction of BMO Field, the National Soccer Stadium at Exhibition Place that will provide Ontarians with year-round access to a world-class facility for recreation and athlete development.
  • Ontario contributed $4 million for the construction of the Kingston Large Venue Entertainment Centre.
  • The Ontario Trillium Foundation funds Sport and Recreation programs, among others, from an annual $100 million Ontario Government allocation it receives through the province’s charity casino initiative.
  • In August 2005, recreation infrastructure was included in the Ontario Strategic Infrastructure Financing Authority (OSIFA) program that provides Ontario municipalities and universities affordable longer term loans to renew and build public infrastructure.
  • The Guidelines for the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation’s (NOHFC) Infrastructure and Community Development Program have been adapted to include funding for arenas, community halls, multi-purpose community centres and cultural facilities.


For further information:

Adam Grachnik
Minister’s Office

Julie Rosenberg
Ministry of Health Promotion

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