Northern Ontario Grow Bonds
Business Loan Program
Loan Program Details


Application Process





Grow Bonds Invest in Northern Ontario

A strong and prosperous North is a priority for us all. Close to $13 million in funds was raised for the Business Loan Program through the sale of Northern Ontario Grow Bonds, which provided residents of Northern Ontario with the opportunity to invest in a safe and competitive savings instrument, while actively contributing to the economic future of the North.

The Northern Ontario Grow Bonds Business Loan Program is dedicated to enriching northern communities by supporting new and established businesses and the creation of new jobs. This unique program will assist new and expanding small and medium-sized businesses throughout Northern Ontario by investing in capital projects that directly result in permanent, full-time employment in the North.

Thank you to all Grow Bonds Business Loan applicants. Together we are building a prosperous future for the North.


NOTE:  The loan application period closed May 6, 2005.

For more information please call 1-866-668-5437.
The Northern Ontario Grow Bonds Corporation
70 Foster Drive, Suite 200
Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 6V8

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Last Modified: November 24, 2006