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Adult Offenders

Earned Remission

By participating in rehabilitation programs that help to re-integrate him/her into the community, an inmate can earn a reduced sentence.

This is called earned remission.

Earned Remission and the Government of Canada

Currently, federal law (This link will exit this site and take you to the Government of Canada's Department of Justice Web site.Corrections and Conditional Release Act) gives an inmate an automatic one-third off his/her sentence. An inmate earns one half-day of remission for each day served.

Example: An inmate serving a 90-day sentence could have his/her sentence reduced by a maximum of 30 days (15 days for each of the first two months served).

Earned Remission and the Government of Ontario

Under Ontario's This link will exit this site and take you to the Government of Ontario's e-laws Web site.Corrections Accountability Act, S.O. 2000, Chapter 40 offenders will have to earn the privilege of early release by:

  • actively participating in work, skills/trades training, education, community service, rehabilitative and treatment programs and other purposeful activities; and
  • abiding by institutional rules and standards for positive behaviour and zero tolerance for acts of violence.

Inmates will fail to earn remission and/or lose remission already earned if they:

  • fail or refuse to actively participate in treatment and/or work programs;
  • violate the zero tolerance policy for violence against correctional staff; or
  • fail to meet standards for positive behaviour.
How Ontario's Earned Remission Program Will Work
  • When a sentenced inmate is admitted to an Ontario correctional institution, he/she will be advised of the earned remission rules, standards and regulations.
  • Inmate case plans will be developed and inmates will be assigned or referred to appropriate programs.
  • An earned remission committee will be established in each correctional institution. The committee will be responsible for reviewing, verifying and signing off on an inmate's earned remission.
Role of the Ontario Parole and Earned Release Board

The This link will exit this site and take you to the Ontario Parole and Earned Release Board Web site.Ontario Parole and Earned Release Board will:

  • be responsible for making early release decisions for high risk offenders (those serving sentences of 18 to 24 months); and
  • have the authority to audit and review earned remissions decisions made by correctional institutions for offenders serving sentences less than 18 months.

Ontario is the first jurisdiction in Canada to propose a public accountability and audit function to an earned remission program.

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Last Modified: April 19, 2004