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Modernizing the System

Alternative Service Delivery

Building on the success of Ontario's partnerships in delivering correctional services, the Ministry of Commuity Safety and Correctional Services is pursuing alternative services delivery.

This involves forming partnerships with service agencies in either the public or private sectors that can contribute expertise to help the ministry deliver the most safe, secure, efficient and effective services.

Public-Private Partnerships

As part of the transformation of correctional services, Ontario has entered into public-private partnerships in the following areas of correctional operations:

  • the This link will exit this site and take you to the Canada News Wire Web site.cook-chill food preparation unit at Maplehurst Correctional Complex;
  • the supply of This link will exit this site and take you to the Canada News Wire Web site.electronic compliance tools for Ontario's expanded electronic surveillance program; and
  • treatment and psychiatric services as part of the St. Lawrence Valley Correctional and Treatment Centre in Brockville.

The government will continue to maintain overall responsibility for all of Ontario's correctional facilities by setting and enforcing results-based performance standards. These performance standards will be realistic, measurable objectives that must be met by all operators and suppliers. Ministry officials will also confer with professionals in the corrections industry to explore options for improving safety and effectiveness standards in prisoner transportation services.

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Last Modified: Nov. 6, 2006