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Policing Services

Organized Crime

Ontario Organized Crime Strategy 2002/2003

The Government of Ontario is committed to fighting organized crime. Ontario’s police services and law enforcement agencies are supported and encouraged to work together to build partnerships at the local, regional, national and international levels.

Ontario has made a significant investment in the fight against organized crime:

  • $3.5 million annually (since 1995) for Joint Force Operations;
  • $4 million annually (since 2000) for strategic policing and legal resources focusing on organized crime (funding split between Ministries of Public Safety and Security and the Attorney General);
  • funding for Ontario’s Outlaw Biker Enforcement Unit (BEU) has more than doubled from $2.7 million to $5.7 million annually starting this fiscal year 2002/2003;
  • $4 million annually (since 2000) to fight electronic and technical crime;
  • $7 million annually to reduce illegal gaming and organized crime.

The Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services supports tactical and operational projects under the Ontario Organized Crime Strategy to help police services. These projects are:

  • The Right Intelligence (ensuring police services have the ability to get/share criminal intelligence information);
  • The Right Techniques (encouraging strategic partnerships, linkages and training);
  • The Right Tools (best practices, new/emerging technologies, infrastructure enhancements.)

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Last Modified: November 20, 2002