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Why accessibility is good for your business

Did you know?

  • About 1.5 million people in Ontario (that’s 13.5% of the population) have a disability.
  • 75% of people with disabilities in Canada, Europe and the United States are physically and financially able to travel.
  • Nearly 40% of people over the age of 65 have disabilities. Seniors and people with disabilities will represent 20 to 25% of the Canadian recreation, retail, entertainment, workplace and housing marketplaces in the next ten years and beyond.

Are you missing potential customers?

Predictions are that the number of people with disabilities will continue to grow as our population ages. Don’t lose this major market group to your competitors!

You want to do business with this growing population of people with disabilities because they:

  • live with, work with, and influence the rest of our population – on average, 5 or 6 other people, such as colleagues, family members, business owners and other service providers.
  • are loyal customers and consumers – they’ll recommend your quality product or service. As business owners and service providers, you have a common goal. You want happy, satisfied customers whose needs are met. You want customers to feel comfortable and welcome to come back time and time again. And, if you do your job well, you can expect these customers to refer their friends, co-workers and family members.

Loyal customers and their families and relatives are the best customers you can have and the ones you want to keep. As our population ages, think about the fact that more of your existing loyal customers and potential new customers will be people with disabilities, their families, their friends and their caregivers.

Smart businesses will recognize the need for accessibility and make sure that consumers who shop, work or do business with them are satisfied. They will ensure that the barriers that may prevent customers from enjoying access to products, services and employment are eliminated and removed.

In the United States, which is implementing standards under the Americans with Disabilities Act, the hospitality industry has increased annual revenue by 12%. People with disabilities also represent a wealth of untapped employment potential.

Is your business welcoming to customers and employee with disabilities? Take the accessibility test to find out how you rate.

For more information, please see: