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Ontario Government Website
Ministry of Community and Social Services
Ministry of Community and Social Services - Printer Friendly Version

Ministry of Community and Social Services
Minister of Community and Social Services
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Community Services Developmental Services Family Responsibility Office Social Assistance

Popular Topics


About the new Accessible Parking Permit Program
Community agencies: Let Ontario Works help you reach your goals
Considering a career in the developmental services field?
Employers: Let Ontario Works help you with your staffing needs
Employment Innovations Fund
Home and Vehicle Modification Program
Homelessness Helplines
Homelessness Helplines - Central East Region
Homelessness Helplines - Central West Region
Homelessness Helplines - Eastern Region
Homelessness Helplines - Hamilton-Niagara Region
Homelessness Helplines - North East Region
Homelessness Helplines - Northern Region
Homelessness Helplines - South East Region
Homelessness Helplines - South West Region
Homelessness Helplines - Toronto Region
Interpreter and intervenor services
JobsNow: An innovative pilot project to help people leave welfare for work
Locating technology project
Maintenance Enforcement Programs - Canada
Maintenance Enforcement Programs – International
Maintenance Enforcement Programs – USA
Making Ontario fully accessible by 2025
Northern Ontario Grant Assistance Program
Special Services at Home
Statistics on People with Disabilities in Canada and Ontario
Summary Report of Opportunities and Action Consultation
Understanding barriers to accessibility
Understanding developmental disabilities
Understanding the international symbols of accessibility
Understanding the needs of people with disabilities
What is a reciprocating jurisdiction?
What is the difference between a support order and a custody order?