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Native Affairs

Frequently Asked Questions

See also: Glossary of Terms

How do I get my status card?

Status issues come under the jurisdiction of the Government of Canada. You can contact them at:

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
25 St. Clair Avenue East, 8th Floor
Toronto, ON  M4T 1M2
Email: InfoPubs@inac.gc.ca
Phone: (819) 997-0380

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I would like to purchase real estate. How do I find out if there is a land claim in the area?

The Ontario Secretariat for Aboriginal Affairs may be able to advise whether Ontario is involved in a land claim negotiation in your area. However we cannot provide legal advice. You may also wish to contact Indian and Northern Affairs Canada for information on land claims. Independent legal advice is recommended.

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I would like to apply for employment at the Ontario Secretariat for Aboriginal Affairs.

Search for job opportunities with the government of Ontario on the Government of Ontario Jobs website. New positions are posted every Friday.

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I'm a Status Indian. How can I access funding for my education?

The best place to start is to contact one's band council office.

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What is the Secretariat's commitment to consultation?

Ontario is committed to meeting its constitutional and other legal obligations in respect of Aboriginal people, including any consultation obligations it has in relation to Aboriginal and treaty rights under Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982.

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Where do I get maps?

The Ontario Secretariat for Aboriginal Affairs does not have maps of reserve or land claims. Information about First Nations and their reserves can be found on the Indian and Northern Affairs Canada website. Topographic maps of Canada will show Indian reserves. These are produced by Natural Resources Canada and sold through dealers across the country. You can order them from a distributor over the Internet and receive them by mail or you can visit a local dealer. You can find local and regional dealers by following the links on Natural Resources Canada's website.

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I have Native status — can I work in the United States?

Contact an American consulate or the American Embassy.

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Where do I find information on Native hunting and logging issues?

You may contact the Ministry of Natural Resources.

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Where do I find information on Status tax issues?

You may contact the Ministry of Finance or the federal government.

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What about non- insured health benefits?

Non-insured health benefits come under the jurisdiction of the Government of Canada. You can contact them at:

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
25 St. Clair Avenue East, 8th Floor
Toronto, ON  M4T 1M2
Email: InfoPubs@inac.gc.ca
Phone: (819) 997-0380

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Last Modified: March 2, 2005