Aboriginal Affairs

For Immediate Release
July 27, 2006

News Release


New Phase Of Negotiations Begins With The Formation Of Side Tables

OHSWEKEN, ONTARIO - At the meeting of the Haudenosaunee/Six Nations-Canada-Ontario Main Negotiation Table held today, the parties confirmed the establishment of four Side Tables to deal with specific issues.

The four Side Tables have been set up to assist in dealing with priorities agreed to by all the parties at the Main Negotiation Table. All Side Tables have since met and have had their terms of reference confirmed by the Main Table today.

The Side Tables will deal with specific matters and may also consider other matters related to their mandates.

  • The Archeology and Appearance of the Douglas Creek Lands Side Table will ascertain whether human remains exist on the site and explore options for the improvement of the appearance of the land;
  • The Douglas Creek Plank Road Lands Resolution Side Table will provide resolution options of the issues associated with the Douglas Creek, Plank Road lands including but not limited to possession, use and development;
  • The Education Side Table will develop educational, promotional, and public awareness strategies regarding Haudenosaunee traditions, languages, history and culture and includes elements within the pre-school, elementary, secondary, post secondary which will be targeted at students, general public, and government officials within and outside of the Six Nations community;
  • The Consultation Issues Side Table will address consultation issues, which may include but are not limited to, accommodation, compensation and benefits related to development and impacts upon Haudenosaunee/Six Nations land.

Chief Allen MacNaughton of the Haudenosaunee noted, "The formation of four Side Tables signals a new phase in the negotiation process. The Side Tables will provide the Main Negotiation Table with advice and counsel on how to manage these specific priorities."

"The establishment of the Side Tables is a step forward in the negotiation process," said Barbara McDougall, Special Representative for Canada. "This will allow us to move forward to consensus on these issues."

"The Main Negotiation Table has been working diligently towards a resolution of the issues and the development of the Side Tables is a milestone in the negotiation process," said Jane Stewart, Special Representative for Ontario.

The parties at the Main Negotiation Table continue to make progress in developing the processes that will be used to involve the local communities in consultations.

Working meetings among all parties continue.



April Powless
Haudenosaunee/Six Nations Media Contact
(519) 717-3921

Rosemary Sampson
Ontario Secretariat for Aboriginal Affairs
(416) 326-4780

Media Relations
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
(819) 953-1160

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Last Modified: July 28, 2006