Dear Friends,

Today, more than ever, Ontario’s prosperity depends on our ability to compete and win in the global marketplace.  It's no longer just about big economies overtaking small; it’s also about the fast overtaking the slow.  We need to create an Ontario where we can turn homegrown ideas into homegrown jobs. 

Because valuing and rewarding innovation is so vital to our future economic prosperity, my government created the Ministry of Research and Innovation in June 2005, to drive a coherent and coordinated innovation agenda for Ontario.

As part of our mandate, the ministry has developed a strategic plan to position Ontario as an innovation leader.  This document marks our commitment to make sure our researchers, entrepreneurs and visionaries have the tools they need to transform creative ideas into the products and services that create jobs for Ontarians and help us build a stronger society.

The purpose of this plan is to trigger discussion among all of our partners — businesses, academic institutions and government ministries.  By working together we can ensure Ontario remains a place where innovation is not just supported, but a place where innovation is inevitable.

We invite you to download a copy of the MRI Strategic Plan and welcome your feedback on this plan by e-mail, mail or fax before January 31, 2007. 

Written or faxed submissions may be sent to:

MRI Strategic Plan
C/O Dr. Tony Vander Voet, Director
Innovation Policy and ORIC Secretariat Branch
Ministry of Research and Innovation
56 Wellesley Street (W), 11th floor
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 2E7

Fax: (416) 326-9654


Premier Dalton McGuinty
Minister of Research and Innovation

Your privacy is important to us and we are committed to protecting your personal information. All personal information you choose to provide when contacting the Premier is collected in compliance with the Executive Council Act and s.28(b) of the Interpretation Act.  The information will be used to contact you regarding your comments or inquiry. Questions about the collection of information can be directed to the MRI Strategic Plan, Innovation Policy and ORIC Secretariat Branch, Ministry of Research and Innovation, 56 Wellesley Street (W), 11th floor, Toronto, Ontario, M7A 2E7, tel: (416) 314-1163. For more information on protecting your personal information, please visit our privacy statement.




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