Government of Ontario


Helping farm families acquire skills and training for the road ahead.

Photo of road leading to farm.

The Canadian Agricultural Skills Service (CASS) program provides farmers and their spouses with opportunities to access skills assessment and training with the goal of improving their farm profitability and net family income.

As a qualified CASS participant, you will receive professional assistance to develop an Individual Learning Plan (ILP). Depending on your net family income, you may also receive financial assistance to complete the activities in your Plan.

"The need for training and skills development in today’s agricultural climate is ongoing. Successful farm operators are able to adapt to ever changing production and business practices. The Canadian Agricultural Skills Service program provides the opportunity for producers to upgrade their skills to directly impact their farm profitability. Adrian Huisman, Manager of the Ontario Apple Growers and the Ontario Tender Fruit Growers, sees this as another useful tool for our growers to maintain their competitive edge."

Ontario Apple Growers and the
Ontario Tender Fruit Growers