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Meat Inspection Hotline

Author: Food Safety and Environment Division/OMAFRA
Creation Date: 02 January 2002
Last Reviewed: 24 November 2005

    hotline phone 1-888-466-2372 ext 6-4230

    Contact our 24-hour, toll free hotline:

      1-888-466-2372 (or 1-888-4-OMAFRA) extension 6-4230

      • to ask questions related to meat inspection

      • to provide feedback, comments or suggestions

      • to request emergency slaughter

      • if you have any information regarding meat processing activities you think may be illegal or may compromise food safety and public health
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For more information:
Toll Free:
1-888-466-2372 ext. 64230 (daytime)
1-888-466-2372 ext. 64360 (after hours)
(519) 826-4230 (daytime)
(519) 826-4360 (after hours)

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