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Location: Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration > Citizenship Divisions > Honours and Awards

Honours & Awards Recognition Programs

Volunteer Hall of Fame

Order of Ontario

Ontario Medal for Police Bravery

Ontario Medal for Firefighter Bravery

Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship

Ontario Volunteer Service Awards

Outstanding Achievement Awards for Voluntarism in Ontario

Ontario Medal for Young Volunteers

Amethyst Award for Outstanding Achievement by Ontario Public Servants

Community Action Award

Senior Achievement Award

Senior of the Year Award

Lincoln M. Alexander Award

The Lieutenant Governor's Awards

Canada Day Celebrations

Ontario Francophonie Awards

Premier's Awards for Teaching Excellence


The ministry organizes a series of annual awards programs to recognize outstanding professional and volunteer contributions to Ontario. These awards promote responsible citizenship by publicly saluting those who have made exceptional contributions to the common good. Special commemorative functions are also organized to celebrate the participation of all Ontarians in the life of the province.

The Order of Ontario is the province's highest award for excellence in any field of endeavour, while the Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship is presented annually to 12 recipients for outstanding contributions to the well-being of their communities.

Special medals recognize bravery by police officers and firefighters.

The Ontario Medal for Young Volunteers recognizes the outstanding achievements of young volunteers across our Province.

Outstanding civil servants are eligible for the Amethyst Award.

The Outstanding Achievement Award for Voluntarism and the Volunteer Service Awards champion voluntarism. Twelve annual Community Action Awards honour innovative work in the area of accessibility/disability, while Senior Achievement and Senior of the Year Awards recognize significant volunteer contributions of individuals 65 years of age, or over. The Lincoln M. Alexander Awards are presented annually to two young people who show leadership in promoting racial harmony.

The Lieutenant Governor's Community Volunteer Award for Students recognizes outstanding volunteer activity among the graduating students of each of Ontario's secondary schools.

The annual Canada Day celebrations at Queen's Park highlight our country's birthday, a sense of unity and our multicultural heritage.


Ontario Spirit Tsunami 2004 Award

Ontario Honours the generosity of its citizens

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Last Modified: October 16, 2006