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Kids in Government

Did you know that some Ontario students from Grades 7 and 8 get to work in the legislature? They are called Legislative Pages and they act as messengers for Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs).

Pages work for four to six weeks and get time off from school. As Pages, they get to meet MPPs, learn how laws are made, and see how the provincial government works up close.

Pages must:

  • Have better than average grades
  • Be involved in a variety of activities both in and out of school
  • Be interested in current affairs
  • Get along well with other people

If you're interested in becoming a page, you can contact the Legislative Page Programme or your local MPP.

Why do MPPs drink so much water when they're in the legislature? Do Pages have to do homework? What's that odd knocking sound coming from the pipes behind the Speaker's chair?

Photograph of Alison BrohmanPhotograph of John Craig McEachnie John Craig McEachnie and Alison Brohman know the answers to these questions ... and more. They both served as Legislative Pages when they were in Grade 8 and we asked them to tell us all about it.