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Government Services

Newborn Registration Service

Frequently Asked Questions

About Newborn Registration Service

Things You Need to Know

Birth Registration

Birth Certificate

Social Insurance Number (SIN)

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About e-Registration

The Newborn Registration Service you are now using is the first phase in a multi-year project to implement electronic birth registration for Ontario newborns. The Province of Ontario and the Government of Canada are working together to improve the quality of services to the public. This partnership will result in better customer service, faster processing of applications and improved security and integrity of personal information for Ontario newborns.

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Phase I of the Newborn Registration Service (Current Version)

Phase I of this project combines three services into one `integrated` application, saving parents from having to enter the same information to complete separate application forms.

The Newborn Registration Service combines:

  • Step 1: The completion of the birth registration form using a `Smart Form` (fill on-line & print)
  • Step 2: The completion of a birth certificate application online
  • Step 3: The completion of a Social Insurance Number application online

Parents must continue to send the completed birth registration form by mail to the municipality where the birth took place, where it will be processed and forwarded to the Province of Ontario. Applications for birth certificates and / or SIN`s will be processed after the birth has been registered with the Province of Ontario.

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Phase II of the Newborn Registration Service (Future Version)

Phase II of this project will enable parents and hospitals to submit birth information electronically to the Office of the Registrar General (Province of Ontario).

Phase II is scheduled for completion in 2008.

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Read comments from users

  • “The online registration procedure is fantastic, but now you should move a step forward to make it completely paperless so we don’t have to print the form and mail it ...”
  • “Excellent service for busy new moms!”
  • “This is an amazing service. I would like to see the Birth Registration online so there is no need to mail in the registration. Other than that, this is just amazing. "Hitting three birds with one stone". Thanks.”
  • “Excellent service to apply for all required documents from the comfort of your office or home.”
  • “It is nice to see on-line services being made available to citizens of Ontario. I would like to see more like this. Good Job!”
  • “It was easy to follow and a lot more convenient than sitting and filling everything out by hand.”
  • “I am thrilled with the new service - applying for all three at once is a great time saver. The entire process was extremely easy to follow and quick - I am totally impressed!”
  • “Excellent way to complete the forms & very easy to use. Really like the fact that you don't need to go to each department with a newborn with you. Time saving & can be done at anytime when baby is sleeping!”
  • “Excellent service. It is easy to use and the application form, questions and instructions are easy to follow.”
  • “It is very pleasing to find this online application service. I will also recommend it to my friends/family for future reference.”
  • “What a great service to have! Please extend to everyone, it makes life so much easier! Great job!”
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Things you need to know before you get started.

Step 1: Complete the birth registration form

You will need to know:

  • The Newborn Registration Service takes approximately 20 to 25 minutes to complete
  • The child`s date of birth
  • The child`s first, middle (if applicable) and last names
  • The mother`s maiden name.
  • The name of the hospital or birthing centre where the birth took place (if applicable)*
  • The name of the person who attended the birth (physician, midwife or other) *
  • The weight of the child*
  • The duration of pregnancy in weeks*
  • You must have a printer to print the completed birth registration form.
  • You must use white paper and black ink.
  • You can only use this service for up to five children (quintuplets).

*If you are unsure about any of this information, refer to the hospital release form given to you after the child`s birth for these details.

Step 2: Apply for the child`s birth certificate

  • You must be the child`s mother, father or legal guardian to apply for a birth certificate using this online service.

Step 3: Apply for the child`s Social Insurance Number (SIN)

  • You must be the mother or father of the child to apply for a SIN using this online service.
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What is a birth registration?

A birth registration is the creation of a permanent identity record for a person born in Ontario. It is a two-step process that begins with municipalities collecting the birth registration information from the parents and matching it to the information provided by the hospital or midwife. If the information from both sources is in agreement, the municipality forwards the documents to the Office of the Registrar General for registering. The birth registration cannot be used as proof of identity or to request documents such as Passports or Ontario Health Cards. A birth certificate is required for these purposes.

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When must a birth be registered in Ontario?

Under the Vital Statistics Act, the birth of every child born in the Province of Ontario, up to one year of age, must be registered within 30 days of the date of birth with the municipal clerk of the municipality in which the child was born.

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Who is eligible to register a birth in Ontario?

The birth registration must be signed by each parent whose information is included on the birth registration form, unless that parent is incapable due to illness or death.

If both parents are incapable, or the mother is incapable and the father is unknown to, or unacknowledged by the mother, the statement may be completed and signed by an informant acting on the mother`s behalf. In this case, a statutory declaration must be submitted. Information on statutory declarations will be provided at the end of your online session, or you can contact the municipality where the child`s birth took place.

Beginning January 2, 2007, couples that use anonymous sperm donation to conceive a child will be able to register the birth to show the birth mother and a non-biological parent. In this circumstance, you can obtain a paper Statement of Live Birth form from the municipal clerk of the municipality in which the child was born or from the Office of the Registrar General. In the near future, registration will also be available through the Newborn Registration Service.

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How can I register a birth in Ontario?

Use the following four steps to register a child in Ontario:

  1. Use the Newborn Registration Service to fill out the child`s birth registration form.


    After you give birth, the hospital or midwife will give you a form called a Birth Registration Form (Statement of Live Birth). This is your child`s permanent identity record. Fill out the form, ensuring the information is clear and accurate.

  2. Once you`ve completed and carefully reviewed the Statement of Live Birth, the parent(s) must sign the form.

    If the father`s information is provided, both parents must sign and certify the form. If the father`s information is not provided, only the mother must sign.

    It is an offence to sign someone else`s name to the form. If one of the parents is unavailable, send the form to him/her to be signed and returned (originals only).

  3. Mail the Birth Registration Form (Statement of Live Birth) to the municipality where your child was born. The municipality will forward the form to the Office of the Registrar General to register the birth with the province.

  4. When your child`s birth is registered, you may apply for his/her birth certificate. By using the Newborn Registration Service, you can apply for the birth certificate while completing your birth registration form, all online. The birth certificate will be produced after the birth has been registered.
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Why should I use this service to register a birth in Ontario?

This online service helps to ensure that the birth registration form is completed as accurately as possible. This helps to reduce errors on the form and helps to improve processing times. Using this service, you can also apply online for a birth certificate and a Social Insurance Number without completing and submitting separate application forms. The birth certificate and the SIN applications can be completed in a few minutes.

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What is the difference between a birth registration and a birth certificate?

A birth registration is the collection of a newborn`s information and is used to create his or her permanent identity record. The birth registration cannot be used as proof of identity or to request documents such as Passports or Ontario Health Cards. Information found on the birth registration is used to create a birth certificate.

The birth certificate is a document that can be used as proof of identity and can be used to request documents such as Canadian Passports or Ontario Health Cards. Please note that there are two types of birth certificates: the certified (long) form and the short form.

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How long does it take to register a birth in Ontario?

You must mail your registration form to the municipality where the birth occurred as soon as possible after the birth. From the time your baby is born, it may take approximately four months to complete this registration. The sooner you register the birth, the sooner you can expect to receive the documents you applied for.

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Are there fees associated with registering a birth in Ontario?

Some municipalities charge a fee for registering a birth. This fee varies depending on the municipality and does not entitle you to a birth certificate. The municipal fee (if applicable) will be provided to you at the end of your session.

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What Internet Browser can I use?

This form requires the use of secure browsers to protect you while you access online services. Secure browsers allow you to communicate with our web site in a protected session. The minimum PC browser requirements required to use the Online Birth Service are capable of supporting 128-bit encryption. This would include one of the following:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.5 or higher
  • Netscape Navigator version 7.0 or higher
  • Mozilla Firefox version 1.0.1 or higher

To determine the version you are using on your current browser, from the browser Help menu, select About. A window will open providing version and encryption information (cipher strength) about your browser.

To download a more recent version of your browser that is compatible with the Online Birth Certificate Application, use the following websites:

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My name contains letters with accents. How do I enter these characters using my PC?

  1. Ensure Num Lock is on.
  2. Hold down the Alt key and type the number listed below using the Numeric Keypad on the right side of your keyboard.
  3. When you release the Alt key, the character will appear.

    Character Press Alt + type
    à 133
    â 131
    ä 132
    ç 135
    Ç 128
    é 130
    É 144
    è 138
    ê 136
    ë 137
    î 140
    ï 139
    ô 147
    ö 148
    ù 151
    û 150
    ü 129
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Can I submit the application electronically or do I need a printer to complete the birth registration form?

You must have a printer to use this service. This online service assists you in completing a birth registration accurately. It is your responsibility to print the birth registration form, sign it and mail it to the municipality where the birth took place. The mailing information is provided at the end of your session.

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What type of paper do I need to print the registration?

You must print the birth registration form on regular 8.5 X 11 inch white paper.

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Where do I send my child`s birth registration form?

You must send the registration to the municipality where the birth took place. The address information for this municipality can be found on page two of the birth registration form.

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How do I register a child that is older than one year of age?

Unregistered children who are older than one year cannot use this online service. A delayed registration of birth through the Office of the Registrar General must be completed. Please contact the Office of the Registrar General for more information.

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How do I contact the municipality where the birth took place?

When you have completed the online birth registration form, you will be provided with the municipality`s contact information.

You can also find the municipality`s contact information in the Blue Pages of your telephone book.

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Help Printing PDF Files

When Adobe Acrobat Reader attempts to display a PDF file within an Internet Explorer browser window rather than as a separate application, you may get a blank page.

The following options might help solve this problem:

1. Save the PDF file to your computer and print.

  • In the “Print PDF” Internet Explorer browser window, right-click on the “Print PDF” button and a pop-up menu will appear.
  • Click "Save Target As" to open the “Save As” window.
  • In the “File Name” box, type a name for the file and then click “Save”. Please note the folder where you are saving your PDF file displayed in the “Save In” box.
  • Once your PDF file is saved on your computer, start the Acrobat Reader application and open the PDF file you have just saved and try printing it again.

2. Re-configure your Acrobat Reader 4.0 settings.

  • Open the Acrobat Reader application.
  • Click on the “File” item on your menu bar.
  • Select the “Preferences” option.
  • Select the “General” preferences.
  • Under the “Options” preferences, de-select the “Web Browser Integration” item.

3. Re-configure your Acrobat Reader 5.0 – 7.0 settings

  • Open the Acrobat Reader application.
  • Click on the “Edit” item on your menu bar.
  • Select the “Preferences” option.
  • Select the “Internet” preferences.
  • Under the “Web Browser Options” preferences, de-select the “Display PDF in browser” item.

4. Upgrade to the most recent version of Acrobat Reader

5. Still Having Problems Printing?

If you want to try to complete the birth registration form online again, you must select Option 4 (Birth Registration only) from the Service Bundle page to avoid having your credit card charged again.


You can complete the paper version of the Statement of Live Birth given to you at the hospital and mail it to the municipality where the birth occured. Birth certificate or SIN applications have already been submitted online so you do not have to apply for these again.

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Why should I use this service to apply for my child`s birth certificate?

The online birth certificate application can be completed quickly and easily once the birth registration section is complete. By using this service, you will not have to fill out a birth certificate application at a later date. As well, you will not have to wait for a confirmation of birth registration before applying for a birth certificate.

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Who is eligible to apply for a birth certificate using this service?

To use this service, a child must be under the age of one.

The following people are eligible to be the applicant (the applicant is the person applying for the child`s birth certificate):

  • A parent named on the birth registration
  • A legal guardian - a person with legal custody of the child
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How can I apply for a birth certificate using this service?

Select Option 1 or Option 2 to apply for a birth certificate. Upon completion of the birth certificate application, the application information will be sent to the Office of the Registrar General for processing. Processing will begin after the birth has been registered.

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How can I pay for the birth certificate using this service?

To pay for an online birth certificate application you must use a credit card.

Your credit card payment will be processed at the end of your session.

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Are birth certificates ordered using this service eligible for the same Service Guarantee as birth certificates ordered using the online birth certificate application?

No. The Service Guarantee is only applicable to births that have already been registered. However, we anticipate that your birth certificate(s) will be delivered to you within 15 business days after the birth has been registered and is in electronic format.

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How do I know what type of birth certificate I require for my child?

There are two types of birth certificates: the certified (long) version and the short version.

Your child will need a birth certificate to access a variety of government services. For more information to determine what type of certificate is required to apply for a Canadian Passport visit:

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How long will it take to receive the birth certificate?

Using the Newborn Registration Service to apply online means you`ll get the birth certificate several weeks faster than if you applied by paper. Once the registration has been completed, your child`s birth certificate will be issued within 15 business days.

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How can I check the status of the birth certificate request?

For inquiries call:

  • In Toronto and outside Ontario call 416-325-8305
  • In Ontario call 1-800-461-2156
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How is the child`s birth certificate information sent to the Office of the Registrar General?

After your credit card has been charged, the child`s birth certificate information is sent electronically to the Office of the Registrar General. The birth certificate application will be processed after the child`s birth has been registered.

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If I have already registered the child`s birth, can I use this service to apply for a birth certificate?

No. You can only use this service for children who have not yet been registered. If your child is registered and you would like to apply for a birth certificate, please visit the Online Birth Certificate Application.

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If the child is over one year of age, can I use this service to apply for a birth certificate?

No. The child must be under one year of age. For children over the age of one, please visit the Online Birth Certificate Application.

What should I do if I am planning to move within the next 4 months?

Your child`s birth certificate, when issued, will be delivered by courier, and someone will need to be at the mailing address to sign for it. If you are moving within the next four months, you need to give us your new mailing address, otherwise you will need to contact our office to file a notice of address change in writing.

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What is a Social Insurance Number?

A Social Insurance Number is a nine-digit number used in the administration of various Canadian government programs. A SIN is required to work in Canada or to receive federal government benefits.

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Why should I use this service to apply for my child`s SIN?

There is no additional fee for the SIN. Once the online birth registration section is complete, the online SIN application can be completed quickly and easily. Completing it online saves you from having to apply at a later date.

A SIN in the name of your child is required to receive Government of Canada benefits such as:

  • Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)
  • Canada Education Savings Grant (CESG)    Learn more about CESG
  • Canada Learning Bond
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Who is eligible to apply for a SIN using this service?

Only the parents of the child being registered can use this service to apply for a SIN. If you are not the parent of this child, you may still be eligible to apply for the child`s SIN, but will need to apply directly to Service Canada.

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How can I apply for a SIN using this service? (e.g. select Option 1 or 3)

Select Option 1 or Option 3 to apply for a SIN.

We recommend you consider applying for a Social Insurance Number (SIN) online (Option 1 or 3). There is no fee for the SIN, and the online application can be completed quickly and easily once the online birth registration section is complete.

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What is the fee for a first-time SIN?

There are no fees required to apply for a first-time SIN.

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How long will it take to receive my child`s SIN?

Using the Newborn Registration Service to apply online means you`ll get the SIN card several weeks faster than if you applied by paper. Once the registration has been completed, your SIN application will be processed immediately by Service Canada and the SIN card delivered within five business days.

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How can I check the status of my child`s SIN application?

By Telephone:

Dial toll-free, 1 800 206-7218. Select Option “3” for Social Insurance Number information.

By Mail:

Social Insurance Registration
P.O. Box 7000
Bathurst, New Brunswick
E2A 4T1


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Who do I contact regarding the SIN ordered using the Newborn Registration Service?

Contact information regarding SIN:

By Telephone:
Dial toll-free, 1 800 206-7218. Select Option “3” for Social Insurance Number information.

By Mail:

Social Insurance Registration
P.O. Box 7000
Bathurst, New Brunswick
E2A 4T1


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How is my child`s SIN application sent to Service Canada (Government of Canada)?

The application will be sent electronically to Service Canada once the birth has been registered with the Province of Ontario providing the parent has provided consent.

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If I have already registered my child`s birth, can I use this service to apply for a SIN?

No. You cannot apply for a SIN using this service if the child`s birth has already been registered. Visit Service Canada for information about how to apply.

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If the child is over one year of age, can I use this service to apply for a SIN?

No. If the child is over one year of age, you cannot use this service to apply for a SIN. Visit Service Canada for information about how to apply.

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Frequently Asked Questions   |   Office of the Registrar General