Location: HomeCourt ServicesMandatory Mediation → Ottawa Roster of Mediators

Ottawa Roster of Mediators

It is strongly recommended that persons intending to select a mediator from this roster contact the mediator directly to obtain more information.

Last Name First Name Phone Fax E-mail Bilingual
Allen Catharine (905) 665-6544 (905) 665-6501 cmallen@torontoadr.com  
Ally Bruce (416) 967-9432 (416) 922-2287 bruceally@aplaceformediation.ca  
Alton Roger A. (905) 294-3614 (905) 294-8624 rogeralton@rogers.com  
Ambrozic Greg A. (905) 943-7629 (905) 943-7742 ambrozicga@3web.net  
Arkin Harold (416) 781-7848 (416) 781-7911 harkin@futureway.com  
Bennett David (613) 569-7171 (613) 569-7272 mediation@pobox.com  
Berenbaum Fred (416) 699-9780 (416) 690-5004 wordswork@sympatico.ca  
Bishop Peter (613) 836-1303 (613) 831-2514 pbishop@bellnet.ca  
Blackwell Enid (613) 623-3053 (613) 623-7017 bhaovis@arnprior.com  
Boden Robert (705) 792-9688 (705) 725-9633 Bob.Boden@sympatico.ca  
Bowles Patrick (416) 497-3453 (416) 367-8032 pbowles@rogers.com  
Brown Carole (613) 787-3503 (613) 230-8842 cbrown@blgcanada.com Yes
Clairmont James (905) 574-1693 (905) 574-9840 jclairmont@sympatico.ca  
Clavier Howie (514) 521-1156 (514) 521-0558 hclavier@total.net Yes
Connor John H. (705) 327-0687 (705) 327-8063 jhconnor@hotmail.com  
Coplea Catherine (613) 278-7660 (613) 278-7660 ccoplea@gmail.com  
Cowan John 1-888-929-7411 1-888-929-7458 cowan@netscape.ca  
Czarny Rita (905) 771-1100 (905) 889-8472 peacefully_yours@hotmail.com Yes
Dasovic-Markovic Vesna (613) 727-8643 (613) 727-8643 vesna.md@sympatic.ca  
Dekany Andrew C. (416) 888-8877 - andrew@dekany.ca  
Desamour Thelson (519) 942-0001 x233 (519) 942-0300 tdesamour@carters.ca Yes
Donnelly Neil (705) 726-3227 (705) 726-9974 neildonnelly@sympatico.ca  
Dunn Theresa (613) 834-5055 (613) 834-8055 therdunn@comnet.ca  
Edelmann Robert (613) 889-0099 or
(416) 535-9705
(613) 744-0954 robert@edelmannassociates.com  
Eldridge Carole (613) 729-1175 (613) 729-8962 chme@caroleeldridge.com  
Fera Norman (613) 232-7171 x125 (613)231-3191 normfera@ottawa.langmichener.ca  
Freeman Claude (416) 222-1539 (416) 222-4890 cfreeman@idirect.com Yes
Gaon Steven C. (613) 565-6215 (613) 565-9715 gaon@adrlaw.ca Yes
Gaster Cheryl (416) 461-6332 (416) 461-1432 cgaster@on.aibn.com  
Giglione Gaetano Thomas (416) 795-8266 (416) 987-5636 gaetano.giglione@gmail.com  
Gilbert Lyon (613) 727-1016 (613) 727-1180 lyon@outofcourt.com  
Gill Angela (647) 333-7836 (416) 369-0515 agill@reach.net  
Gold Daniel (416) 222-6083 (416) 222-3091 dgold@shermanbrown.com Yes
Gold Harvey (416) 787-4475 (416) 787-1345 harvjoy@rogers.com  
Goodwin John (613) 236-0662 (613) 236-8906    
Gray William Scott (519) 474-6283 (519) 474-0089 wscottgray@sympatico.ca  
Grenville-Wood Geoffrey (613) 232-2688 (613) 232-2680 geoffrey@grenville-wood.com Yes
Harvey Graham (613) 722-6056 (613) 722-9060 harve@magma.ca  
Haussmann Chris (416) 484-6570 (416) 484-9527 hausscon@rogers.com  
Herman Lawrence (416) 781-6442 (416) 781-4859 lawrenceherman@rogers.com Yes
Johnston Steven (905) 666-0981 (905) 666-0981 sjohnston@devlinlaw.ca  
Kafieh James (416) 529-6041 (416) 529-6042 JK_CGM@hotmail.com  
Karimjee Kumail (416) 598-0103 x124 (416) 598-3484 kkarimjee@ilercampbell.com  
Kershman Stanley (613) 238-1924 (613) 238-8775 info@bankruptlaw.com  
Korngold-Wexler Muriel (613) 237-7897 (613) 237-6819 wexler@magi.com Yes
Lyon Cecil (613) 592-8105 (613) 592-9671 lyon@igs.net  
MacFarlane Bunny (905) 682-8734 (905) 704-0555 bunny@vaxxine.com  
MacLeod Nigel (613) 226-4242 (613) 226-8767 adr.chambers@sympatico.ca  
McIntosh Mary Lynne (905) 453-7022 (905) 453-4839 mlmci@sympatico.ca  
Mitchell Michael (416) 979-6449 (416) 591-7333 michaelmitchell@sgmlaw.com  
Moore Richard (613) 230-8671 (613) 238-3340 moore@mdrassociates.ca  
Morrow Bernard (416) 876-9466 (416) 652-7405 bernard.morrow@sympatico.ca  
Mottahedin Heidi (416) 995-9010
(905) 773-9789
(905) 773-6362 heidi@abetterway.ca  
Mullins Anne (613) 569-9500
(613) 569-9522 amm@abplaw.com  
Munn Kathryn (519) 660-1242 (519) 660-1618 kmunn@munncrs.com  
Naftel Kenneth (613) 237-0505 (613) 567-3559 knaftel@fox.nstn.ca  
Newman Elaine (416) 618-4413 (416) 785-5346    
O'Connor James M. (613) 386-1141 (613) 386-7210 jimoconnor@mediatecentre.com  
O'Neil Kathleen G. (416) 537-4732 (416) 537-9319 kgoneil@look.ca  
Parker William (519) 821-7901 (519) 822-6570 bill.parker1@sympatico.ca  
Porter-Schofield Dawn J. (905) 567-6833 (905) 567-6836 dawn@cornerstone-mediation.com Yes
Price David (905) 271-0191 (905) 271-0192 davidprice@bellnet.ca Yes
Price Ronald (613) 546-6334 (613) 544-5642 rrp@post.queensu.ca  
Reid Alan (613) 721-0353 (613) 721-8728 adr@sonetis.com  
Ross Norman (416) 964-8389 (416) 964-9940    
Rotstein Nancy-Gay (416) 488-0800 (416) 488-8350    
Rumack Murray (416) 864-1300 (416) 943-3771 sophie.alvi@ca.eyi.com  
Running Kathryn A. (613) 545-1130 (613) 545-9748 kathryn@kos.net  
Ruppert Heidi (613) 230-8671 (613) 238-3340 hruppert@mdrassociates.ca  
Rushowy Robert (416) 927-8681 (416) 863-4592 robert.rushowy@abanet.org  
Shelly David (613) 678-2026 (613) 678-2490 drshelly@shellylaw.ca Yes
Simpson Glen (416) 483-7339 (416) 483-7819 glen.simpson@sympatico.ca Yes
Slotnick Lorne (416) 254-8943 (416) 534-7945 lslot@sympatico.ca  
Sobel Alan (613) 829-3805 (613) 829-2436 asobel@sympatico.ca  
Starkman David (613) 264-8380 (613) 264-1176 stark@superaje.com  
Suter Fred (905) 639-5442 (905) 639-5704 fgsuter@bserv.com  
Szlazak Ian (613) 746-9679 (613) 746-6637 iszlazak@resolutionhouse.com  
Tannis Ernes G. (613) 236-0939 x16 (613) 236-9745 etannis@barrickpoulsen.com  
Trojek Heather (416) 970-9373 (905) 828-2369 heather.trojek@sympatico.ca  
Tucker Roger (613) 225-1621 (613) 225-0345 mediation.rt@rogers.com Yes
Wolfe Sharon (416) 966-0393 (416) 483-7819 simwolfe@aol.com  
Zweibel Ellen (613) 730-1711 or
(613) 562-5800 x3303
(613) 562-5124 ezweibel@uottawa.ca