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Steep yourself in time-honoured traditions of an Aboriginal culture that's older than recorded time. Join in the spectacle of dramatic drums and colourful swirling costumes at a Pow Wow celebration. Taste native fare such as bannock, traditional fried bread, corn soup or blueberry tea. Pay tribute to Kitche Manitou, the Great Spirit of Manitoulin Island. Hear ancient songs or listen to tales from an Elder on a Spirit Walk or gathered round a First Nations campfire. Wonder at the mysteries of ancient petroglyphs, figures and symbols carved into marble rock face or time travel to a reconstructed Aboriginal village to be welcomed by First Nations members in traditional regalia.

Celebrate Aboriginal culture, history and traditions during Ontario's Heritage Week held each year during the last week of February.

Pow Wows

  Pow Wows
Immerse yourself in the moving spectacle of swirling feathers and jingling feet at summertime Pow Wows such as Manitoulin Island's Wikwemikong, the continent's largest and longest-running First Nations celebration.
Living History

  History Lives Today
Enter a world of Longhouses, palisades and teepees or tour spiritual sites, some accessible only by floatplane or canoe - all a home for the ancient spirit that remains alive in Ontario.
Legendary Nature

  Legendary Nature
Steep yourself in the natural world of Aboriginal legends as you embark on a guided nature walk or paddle a canoe across a pristine lake to an-old growth pine forest.
Uncovering Aboriginal Places and Events

  Uncovering Aboriginal Places and Events
Ontario is endowed with time-honoured traditions, Aboriginal celebrations and unique experiences that let you say, "Meegwetch," or "Thanks," to your First Nations hosts.

Ontario Travel Discoveries: Winter 2006/07 Ontario Travel Discoveries: Winter 2006/07
Get your free issue of this full colour magazine with great getaway ideas for new and exciting travel opportunities ... More

Did you know?

Lacrosse, Canada's national game since 1867, is a modern version of the Aboriginal game of baggatawy.

Aboriginal Resources

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Created and developed by Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership

This site maintained by the Government of Ontario, Canada, © Queen's Printer for Ontario.
Last Modified December 7, 2006
