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Gay & Lesbian Travel
Canada, recognized as the Featured Nation at the 2004 Equality Forum, is considered one of the most progressive countries in the world. Ontario is proud to be a leading province in gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered (GLBT) and two-spirited civil rights and equalities. Ontario provides the perfect environment to enjoy top-class urban experiences, outdoor adventures, and everything in-between.

Come to Ontario

  Come to Ontario
From Pride parades and film festivals to trendy city strips for shopping and dining, gay-friendly Ontario has it all. Complete your visit with a taste of the great outdoors at GLBT oriented resort campgrounds and outdoor programs.
Get Married in Ontario

  Get Married in Ontario
Come to Ontario for the most important trip of your life ... down the aisle! The words freedom and romance ring true in Ontario where you and your special someone are welcome and invited to tie the knot.

Gay & Lesbian Travel
Did you know?

Pride Week in Toronto is one of the largest events of it's kind in the world, and includes a rainbow of activities such as art fests, street fairs, a Dyke march, and of course the awesome Pride Parade.

GLBT Resources
Vacation Ideas
Family Fun
Seasonal Getaways
Gay & Lesbian Travel
Romantic Escapes
Distinctive Getaways
Ontario Travel Discoveries: Winter 2007/08
  Ontario Travel Discoveries: Winter 2007/08
Get your free issue of this full colour magazine with great getaway ideas for new and exciting travel opportunities ... More

Created and developed by Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership

This site maintained by the Government of Ontario, Canada, © Queen's Printer for Ontario.
Last Modified February 14, 2008
