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Transportation Tomorrow Survey (TTS) 2006





Every weekday, more than 15 million trips are made in the Greater Golden Horseshoe (GGH) area by car, transit and other means of transportation such as walking and cycling. Over the next 25 years, the population is expected to grow by about 35% to about 11.5 million people.

In order to accommodate this impressive growth, it is important to understand travel patterns in the area. The Transportation Tomorrow Survey (TTS), conducted every five years since 1986, collects information about the household, individual persons and their travel. The survey determines how travel pattern and choices are changing throughout the region.

TTS is surveying randomly selected households in the GGH and contacts households by letter and follows up by telephone. The survey will consist of a 5% sampling of households (approximately 150,000 interviews). Participation in the survey is voluntary.

Information collected during the survey includes information about members of the household and their travel.

Survey information includes:

The survey is conducted in partnership between the Ministry of Transportation, 18 Greater Golden Horseshoe municipalities, the Toronto Transit Commission and GO Transit, and managed by the University of Toronto's Data Management Group.

How the survey works

Map of survey areaTTS 2006 consists of two phases. The first phase took place between September 2005 and February 2006 and included residents outside of the Greater Toronto - Hamilton area. Phase two of the survey began in August 2006 and included residents within the Greater Toronto - Hamilton area. The map outlines the study survey area.

The telephone survey is expected to be complete by early December 2006. The sample data will then be combined with the results of the 2006 Census of Canada to develop a comprehensive picture of travel characteristics across the Greater Golden Horseshoe. Final results of the survey will be available by fall 2007.

A letter signed by the Minister of Transportation and the Mayors and Regional Chairs of the GTA-Hamilton area will be sent to households that are to be interviewed informing them of the survey and the type of information to be collected. To see a sample of the letter, please go TTS's website: TTS Letters to Household*

All information collected during the survey is kept in the strictest confidence and combined together with information from other households in the area in such a way that it cannot be traced to an individual or household. Names, addresses and phone numbers are destroyed at the conclusion of the survey's data collection phase.

Did you receive a letter in the mail?

If you received a letter about TTS, we encourage you to participate in the survey. When the interviewer calls, you will be asked a series of questions about the previous day's travel activity of all members in your household. The information provided will be used to show travel patterns in your area. The information you provide will help us better serve the transportation needs within your communities.

If you did not receive a letter

Only randomly selected households can be interviewed as part of the survey to ensure the validity of the information that is collected. Results will be made available in the fall of 2007 and will be published on the website.

Did you know that?

This information was extracted from the 1986 and 2001 TTS surveys.

Want to find out more?

More detailed results from the previous surveys are available on the TTS website*.

All information collected during the survey is confidential. The information collected will assist the Ministry of Transportation and participating municipalities and agencies in planning public transportation and highway improvements. Identifying information will be separated from the survey before it is used by the Ministry of Transportation and the other participants for the sole purpose of transportation planning. Any questions about the collection of information for TTS should be directed to customer service representatives:

MTO INFO General Inquiry
Phone: 1-800-268-4686 or 416-235-4686 (within GTA)
TTY (Teletypewriter users): 1-866-471-8929 or 905-704-2426 (Niagara Region)

Transportation Tomorrow SurveyFor further information go to the TTS website*

* External Links Disclaimer

Last Modified: October 27, 2006