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Selected Family Law Legislation

The following contains on-line versions of some important family legislation. Legislation can change over time. The versions available on-line may not be up-to-date and may not be official versions.

Ontario Legislation

The Government of Ontario operates a Web site that provides the full text of Ontario legislation, including the following legislation related to family law:

  • The Family Law Act deals with separation, spousal and child support, division of property, and possession of the matrimonial home.
  • The Children's Law Reform Act deals with such matters as custody of, and access to children, as well the rules to establish parentage of a child.
  • The Family Responsibility and Support Arrears Enforcement Act outlines the powers and responsibilities of the Family Responsibility Office to collect child and spousal support payments.
  • The Child and Family Services Act outlines the powers and responsibilities of children's aid societies. In addition, the Act sets out the rules governing the adoption of children.

Federal Legislation

  • The federal Divorce Act deals with divorce, as well as claims for child and spousal support, and custody and access, in divorce cases.