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Image linking to Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario

Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario

Image linking to Financial Services Commission

Financial Services Commission



Image linking to Ontario Electricity Financial Corporation

Ontario Electricity Financial Corporation

Image linking to Ontario Financing Authority

Ontario Financing Authority

Image linking to Ontario Securities Commission

Ontario Securities Commission

Image linking to Stadium Corporation of Ontario Limited

Stadium Corporation of Ontario Limited

In addition to its roles as a central agency and line ministry for the Government of Ontario, the Ministry of Finance is also responsible for managing the Province's regulatory affairs.

Some of the Ministry's key regulatory responsibilities include ensuring prudent management of the province's debt; regulating financial services to protect consumers and inspire investor confidence; managing the financing program at the Ontario Electricity Financial Corporation, and overseeing the Province's automobile insurance industry.

In this section, you will find information about the various arm's length agencies that help the Ministry carry out these regulatory functions. Follow the links to explore the roles these agencies play in your life.

Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario
(416) 325-9444

The Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario was established in 1976 by the Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act. Its mission is "to protect depositors" of Ontario credit unions and caisses populaires. DICO is administered by a board of directors appointed by the government, and is accountable to the Provincial Legislature through the Minister of Finance. It provides deposit insurance for individual depositors to a current limit of $100,000. Under the Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act, 1994 S.O., the Corporation's responsibilities include: providing deposit insurance, acting as the stabilization authority for the system, minimizing deposit insurance claims, promoting standards of sound business practices, collecting and publishing statistics, providing financial assistance to units under administration, acting as administrator of member institutions.

Financial Services Commission
(416) 250-7250

The Financial Services Commission, established July 1, 1998, amalgamated the Ontario Insurance Commission, the Pension Commission of Ontario, and the Deposit Institutions Division of the Ministry of Finance.

The Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) regulates co-operatives, credit unions, caisses populaires, insurance (including auto insurance and the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund), loan & trust companies, mortgage brokers, and pensions.

(416) 590-7294
1-800-668-0128 ext. 7294

The Financial Services Tribunal is an independent, adjudicative body composed of nine to 15 members, including the Chair and two Vice-Chairs. The Tribunal has exclusive jurisdiction to exercise the powers conferred under the Financial Services Commission of Ontario Act, 1997 and other Acts that confer powers on or assign duties to the Tribunal. It also has exclusive jurisdiction to determine all questions of fact or law that arise in any proceeding before it. As well, the Tribunal has authority to make rules for the practice and procedure to be observed in a proceeding before it and to order a party to a proceeding before it to pay the costs of another party or the Tribunal's costs of the proceeding.

Ontario Electricity Financial Corporation

Ontario Electricity Financial Corporation was established by the Electricity Act, 1998 as legal continuation of former Ontario Hydro. OEFC is an agency of the Province of Ontario, is responsible for servicing and retiring Ontario Hydro's provincially guaranteed debt and managing other liabilities. It relies on a series of revenue streams generated from the electricity sector to extinguish its obligations. Ontario Financing Authority, an agency of the Province of Ontario provides various services to OEFC: arranging, coordinating and managing borrowing, investment of funds and financial risk management, cash management, banking and accounting services. OEFC will continue as administrator until the Pension Plan assets and liabilities can be allocated among the pension plans of other successor companies to Ontario Hydro. Ontario Electricity Pension Services Corporation, subsidiary of OEFC, provides pension services as agent of OEFC in its capacity as administrator of the Pension Plan.

Ontario Financing Authority
(416) 325-8000

The Ontario Financing Authority is an agency of the Province of Ontario created under the Capital Investment Plan Act, 1993, and reporting to the Minister of Finance. It is responsible for arranging, co-ordinating and managing the borrowing and investment of funds and financial risk management activities on behalf of the Province, its Crown corporations and other public bodies, in the most efficient and cost-effective way.

Ontario Securities Commission

The Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) is an arm's length regulatory self-funding agency responsible for Ontario's securities laws. The Minister of Government Services is responsible for overseeing the activities of the Ontario Securities Commission.

The Ontario Securities Commission maintains a list of reporting issuers and records filings of insider trading, proxy solicitation material, financial statements and take-over bids for the benefit of investors. It processes prospectus offerings of securities and applications for exemption, as well as applications for transfer or release of securities from escrow. The commission registers and investigates consumer complaints about stockbrokers, their salespersons and investment advisers; and commodity futures dealers, their salespersons and advisers. It also investigates complaints about actions by companies affecting the value of securities and answers general questions about commodity futures trading.

Stadium Corporation of Ontario Limited


The Stadium Corporation of Ontario Limited ( STADCO) is an agency of the Province of Ontario. STADCO was incorporated on August 1, 1984 under the Business Corporations Act and the Minister of Finance is the sole shareholder.

STADCO is responsible for all contingent liabilities and obligations resulting from the construction, operation, maintenance and ownership interest in the SkyDome, including the obligation to provide for a permanent bus parking solution at the SkyDome. Fulfilment of the bus parking obligation is the principle focus of STADCO's activities.

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