Pay Equity Hearings Tribunal
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[ Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value ]
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Welcome to the Pay Equity Hearings Tribunal


The Pay Equity Act established the Tribunal to hear and decide pay equity disputes. The Tribunal has exclusive jurisdiction to determine all questions of fact or law that arise in any matter before it. The decisions of the Tribunal are final and conclusive for all purposes.

     ::: What's New      ::: New Decisions  

  • Administrative Change at the Pay Equity Hearings Tribunal
    The administrative support for the Pay Equity Hearings Tribunal is now being provided by the Ontario Labour Relations Board...more

  • 2002. 11.30.
    New Rules and Forms take effect. For more information, see Forms and Rules

  • 2002. 09. 25 PER 13 is published..
    Please contact Esther Foorer at 416-326-7474 for additional copies or changes to our mailing list.. [more]

  • Links
    Ontario Workplace Tribunals Library


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This site maintained by the Government of Ontario, Canada
This information is provided as a public service, but we cannot guarantee that the information is current or accurate. Readers should verify the information before acting on it.

Ministry of Labour

Copyright Information © Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2006

Last Modified: October 12, 2006