Government of Ontario Environmental Registry
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Location: Environmental Registry: What's New!


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What's New

Click here to view Environmental Registry Notices posted in the last day
Click here to view Environmental Registry Notices posted in the last week
Use the [Search Notices] button to search notices posted since 1994

How do I use this site?

If you are new to the Environmental Registry and the Environmental Bill of Rights, we recommend that you review the site map. The site map explains what each section of this site is, and what is contained in it.

The Introduction page (found under General Information) gives a brief summary of the Environmental Bill of Rights and how it applies to the Government and the public. You can link directly to this page by clicking here.

Have any questions?

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Environmental Bill of Rights or the Environmental Registry, please see the contacts section of this site. The contacts section lists all EBR contacts, in each ministry, as well as the Office of the Environmental Commissioner.
You can view the Contacts section by clicking here.

If you have any recommendations regarding this website, please use the feedback feature.