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Government of Ontario Ministry of the Environment

Location: Ministry Home > Water > Safe Drinking Water Act > Drinking Water Systems Regulation

Drinking Water Systems Regulation O.Reg. 170/03

(Regulation made under the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002)

The Drinking Water Systems Regulation (O. Reg. 170/03) regulates municipal and private water systems that provide water to year-round residential developments and designated facilities that serve vulnerable populations such as children and the elderly. Designated facilities include children’s camps, child and youth care facilities, health care and social care facilities, a school or private school, a social care facility, a university, college or institution with authority to grant degrees.

Amendments to O. Reg. 170/03 came into effect on June 5, 2006. The amendments are risk-based and are designed to safeguard the quality of Ontario’s drinking water, while making the regulation more workable and affordable for residential drinking water systems and systems serving designated facilities. They add clarity and flexibility to the testing and operational regimes set out in Reg. 170 and in some cases, could reduce the cost of regulatory compliance.

5695e Improvements to the Drinking Water Systems Regulation (O.Reg. 170/03) for Municipal Residential Systems PDF format  
5696e Improvements to the Drinking Water Systems Regulation (O.Reg. 170/03) for Non-Municipal Year-round Residential Systems PDF format  
5697e Improvements to the Drinking Water Systems Regulation (O.Reg. 170/03) for Systems Serving Designated Facilities PDF format  

O. Reg. 170/03 does not apply to non-residential and private seasonal residential drinking water systems unless they serve designated facilities. These systems are regulated by the new regulation for non-residential and private seasonal residential systems that do not serve designated facilities (O. Reg. 252/05) (http://www.ene.gov.on.ca/envision/water/sdwa/reg252.htm)


This page has been updated to reflect changes to regulations under the Safe Drinking Water Act. It should be noted that these materials are intended to act as guides to the Acts and Regulations and should be used in conjunction with the Acts and Regulations. To be clear about your specific legal requirements, you must refer to the text of O.Reg 170 and the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002. You can access these at www.e-laws.gov.on.ca.

Key Documents

Drinking Water Information System (DWIS)

4448e01 Procedure For Disinfection Of Drinking Water In Ontario PDF format  
4449e01 Technical Support Document for Ontario Drinking Water Standards, Objectives and Guidelines PDF format  
4414e01 Procedure For Corrective Action for Systems Not Currently Using Chlorine PDF format  

Information for Drinking Water Systems Owners and Operators

Municipal Drinking Water Systems

Technical Updates for Municipal Drinking Water Systems
4478e15 Annual Reports PDF format  
4478e16 Categories of Municipal Drinking Water Systems PDF format  
4478e17 Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standards PDF format  
4478e18 Engineers' Reports PDF format  
4478e19 Adverse Water Quality Notification Requirements PDF format  
4478e20 Drinking Water Testing for Chemical Parameters PDF format  
4478e21 Laboratory Licensing PDF format  
4478e22 Drinking Water Testing for Microbiological Parameters PDF format  
4478e23 Warning Notices PDF format  
4478e24 Treatment Equipment Requirements PDF format  

Non-Municipal Year-Round Residential Drinking Water Systems

5362e Providing Safe Drinking Water to the Public: A guide for owners and operators of non-municipal year-round residential drinking water systems

A guide for owners and operators of privately owned year-round residential drinking water systems such as apartment buildings, subdivisions, mobile home parks or trailer parks
PDF format  
5477e Treatment Options for Owners of Non-Municipal Year-Round Residential Drinking Water Systems
PDF format

Drinking Water Systems that serve Designated Facilities

5361e Providing Safe Drinking Water to the Public: A guide for owners and operators of non-residential and seasonal residential drinking water systems that serve designated facilities

A guide for drinking water systems that serve designated facilities such as children’s camps, child and youth care facilities, health care and social care facilities, schools and private schools and postsecondary institutions a university, college or institution with authority to grant degrees
PDF format  

Taking a Drinking Water Sample for Testing

5744e Taking a drinking water sample for testing: Tips for owners and operators of drinking water systems covered by Ontario Regulation 170/03 PDF format HTML format

Operator Training and Certification Information

5747e Steps to Become a “Supervised Person” : Qualifications for Testing Chlorine Residual and Turbidity in Drinking Water Systems PDF format HTML format
5748e Steps to Become a “Trained Person” : Training Requirements for Operators of Small Drinking Water Systems Serving Designated Facilities PDF format HTML format
5749e Steps to Become a Limited System Operator: Operator Certification Requirements for Small Drinking Water Systems PDF format HTML format
5452e Training Manual for Supervised Persons Conducting Operational Checks

Materials for training a person working under the supervision of a “certified operator” to perform on-site chlorine residual and turbidity testing (only for small municipal residential, small non-municipal non-residential, non-municipal seasonal residential and any of those three systems that serve designated facilities.
PDF format  

Laboratory Licensing

The Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002 (SDWA) and the Drinking Water Testing Services Regulation (O. Reg. 248/03) require any laboratory that performs drinking water testing to obtain a licence effective October 1, 2003. In addition, the SDWA requires owners and operatings authorities of drinking water systems regulated under the Drinking Water Systems Regulation (O. Reg. 170/03) to use a licensed laboratory for drinking water testing.

Laboratory Licensing information and document

Legislation / Regulations

  Full text of Drinking Water Systems Regulation (O. Reg. 170/03): (the e-Laws web site)    
  Links to legislation / regulations related to Drinking Water Legislation

This page contains links to the Safe Drinking Water Act and other acts and regulations related to Ontario's drinking water. All acts and regulations located on the e-Laws Web site.


Go to the Drinking Water Submission Forms under O.Reg. 170/03

Related Documents

5397e Optional Annual Report Template PDF format  
4178e01 Application for Approval Related to Municipal and Non-Municipal Drinking-Water Systems (October 2003) PDF format  
4462e Supplement to Application for Approval - Form A DETERMINATION OF THE CATEGORY OF DRINKING-WATER SYSTEM PDF format  
4463e Supplement to Application for Approval - Form B EXISTING DRINKING-WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION PDF format  
4468e Supplement to Application for Approval - Form C COST FOR PART V SDWA APPLICATIONS PDF format  
5677e Drinking Water Treatment Service Providers   HTML format
4167e TERMS OF REFERENCE for Hydrogeological Study to Examine Groundwater Sources Potentially Under Direct Influence of Surface Water October 2001 PDF format HTML format
4168e PROTOCOL for Delineation of Wellhead Protection Areas for Municipal Groundwater Supply Wells under Direct Influence of Surface Water October 2001 PDF format HTML format

Click here for a list of Medical Officers of Health in Ontario

For a current list of laboratories accredited for and testing Ontario Drinking Water Standard (ODWS) parameters visit the Standards Council of Canada's web site : http://www.scc.ca
email: info@scc.ca
tel.: 1-613-238-3222


Private Wells

Link to a section that contains helpful fact sheets for well owners and information about the legal requirements of well owners and contractors and technicians who construct wells.

What's in this Section

Key Documents
Information for Owners and Operators
Municipal Drinking Water Systems
Private Year-Round Residential Drinking Water Systems
Drinking Water Systems That Serve Designated Facilities
Taking a Drinking Water Sample for Testing
Operator Training and Certification Information
Laboratory Licensing
Legislation / Regulations
Related Documents
Private Wells

If you are having difficulty accessing a document, please contact the Ministry of the Environment at picemail@ene.gov.on.ca or phone the ministry's Public Information Centre at 1- 800-565-4923, in Toronto 416-325-4000 or by mail to the Ministry of the Environment, Public Information Centre, 135 St. Clair Ave. West, 1st Floor, Toronto, ON. M4V 1P5.

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Maintained by the Government of Ontario

Last Modified: Tuesday December 05 2006