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Government of Ontario Ministry of the Environment

Location: Ministry Home > Water > Safe Drinking Water Act > Ontario Regulation 252/05

Regulation for non-residential and non-municipal seasonal residential systems that do not serve designated facilities
(Ontario Regulation 252/05)

(Regulation made under the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002)

Ontario Regulation 252/05 regulates drinking water systems serving non-residential and seasonal residential uses until their intended transfer to the public health units, as recommended by the Advisory Council on Drinking Water Quality and Testing Standards, expected 2007. Go to Ontario Regulation 252/05.

The Ministry of the Environment oversees the current requirements – see below for guides on these requirements.

After the proposed transfer of responsibility, public health units will evaluate risks at individual systems and develop a system-specific water protection plan to ensure compliance with provincial drinking water quality standards. Requirements may change when the new approach is implemented. Additional information will be made available on this site as soon as it is available.

O. Reg. 252/05 does not apply to municipal and private systems that provide water to year-round residential developments or designated facilities. Designated facilities include children’s camps, health care facilities, a delivery agent care facility, a school or private school, a social care facility, a university, college or institution with authority to grant degrees. These systems are regulated by the Drinking Water Systems Regulation (O. Reg. 170/03).

Summary of O. Reg. 252/05 Requirements

Go to the Summary of O.Reg 252/05 Requirements


5117e A guide for owners and operators of small non-municipal non-residential drinking-water systems. PDF 5117e HTML 5117e
5118e A guide for owners and operating authorities of large non-residential drinking-water systems and small municipal non-residential drinking-water systems that serve public facilities. PDF 5118e HTML5118e
5119e A guide for owners and operators of non-municipal seasonal residential drinking-water systems that do not serve designated facilities. PDF 5119e HTML 5119e
5150e Procedure For Corrective Action for Non-Residential and Non-Municipal Seasonal Residential Systems that Do Not Serve Designated Facilities and are Not Currently Using Chlorine PDF 5150e  
5261e Taking a drinking water sample for bacterial testing: Tips for owners and operators of drinking water systems covered by Ontario Regulation 252/05 PDF 5261e HTML 5261e


Go to the Drinking Water Submission Forms under O.Reg 252/05

What's in this Section


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Last Modified: Monday November 20 2006