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Government of Ontario Ministry of the Environment
Location: Ministry Home > General Information

General Information

The Ministry of the Environment (MOE) works to protect, restore and enhance the natural environment through tough legislation and enforcement, innovative programs and initiatives, strong partnerships, and public engagement. The ministry works to provide all Ontarians with safe and clean air, land and water.

Enforcement and Compliance

The MOE conducts inspections to ensure that businesses are complying with regulations and the conditions of their Certificates of Approval. This section outlines the ministry's compliance activities and cleanup efforts.

Environmental Compliance Reports

This site provides information about non-compliant discharges – discharges of contaminants to air and water that exceed legal allowable limits – from industrial and municipal facilities that are regulated by the Ministry of the Environment.

Sector Compliance Branch

The Sector Compliance Branch is a highly mobile team that conducts province-wide inspection sweeps of entire sectors. This team is dedicated to getting tough on polluters and increasing the number of companies and individuals who comply.

Industrial Pollution Action Team: Discussion Document

This report was prepared by the Industrial Pollution Action Team for Minister Dombrowsky to provide options for addressing industrial pollution resulting from spills and unplanned air emissions.

What to Expect When an Environmental Officer Inspects Your Facility: A brief guide for business owners, officials and employees

This fact sheet provides a general description of what to expect from and how to prepare for an inspection by an Environmental Officer from the Ministry of the Environment.

The Ministry of the Environment and Your Business: How your small or medium sized businesses can become environmentally responsible community members

This fact sheet is geared towards small and medium sized businesses that may not have the environmental management staff to fully understand the Ministry’s role. It describes the businesses' responsibilities under Ontario’s environmental legislation.

Ministry Initiatives

Canada-Ontario Agreement on Environmental Assessment Cooperation PDF 4898e

The Honourable Stéphane Dion, Canada’s Minister of the Environment, and Leona Dombrowsky, Ontario’s Environment Minister, signed an agreement on environmental assessment cooperation on November 1, 2004 to improve the EA process and make it more efficient. The agreement will coordinate the environmental assessment process whenever projects are subject to review by both jurisdictions.

Ontario's Environmental Leaders Program
(formerly known as Cooperative Agreements).

Ontario's Environmental Leaders Program is a new initiative under which the Ministry provides incentives to environmental leaders who commit to meeting beyond compliance environmental targets.

Environmental Penalties

On October 27, 2004, the Ontario government introduced the Environmental Enforcement Statute Law Amendment Act for First Reading. This legislation proposes the introduction of Environmental Penalties (EPs).

Canada-Wide Standards

Since 1998, Ontario has been participating with other jurisdictions across Canada in developing national standards titled “Canada-wide standards” (CWS).  Get more information on CWS for: Benzene, Dioxins and furans, Mercury, Particulate Matter and Ozone, and Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soil.

Canada-Wide Standards in Ontario

Since 1998, Ontario has been participating with other jurisdictions across Canada in developing national standards titled “Canada-wide standards” (CWS). These standards are the outcome of a consensus-based process with multi-stakeholder consultation.

Canada-Wide Environmental Standards Sub-Agreement

Certificates of Approval

The Ministry of the Environment approvals program has been designed to ensure that all undertakings requiring approval are carried out in accordance with legislation including the Ontario Water Resources Act, the Environmental Protection Act, the Pesticides Act, the Environmental Assessment Act, the Environmental Bill of Rights, the Safe Drinking Water Act and associated regulations. Certificates of Approval are required for facilities that release emissions to the atmosphere, discharge contaminants to ground and surface water, provide potable water supplies, or store, transport, process or dispose of waste. Proponents of these types of activities are required to obtain Certificates of Approval to ensure that the environment will not be adversely affected.
Certificates of Approval web page

Other Links

Ontario Environment Business Directory

Companies with a facility in Ontario that provide environmental goods and services are invited to register on this Web site free of charge.

Other Sites with Environmental Information

A list of links to other websites with environmental information

General Information

What's in this Section


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Maintained by the Government of Ontario

Last Modified: Wednesday October 04 2006