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Search the Ministry of the Environment Website

Search Help:

One of the quickest and most effective ways to locate the information you’re looking for is to use our search engine. The search engine will help you quickly find specific information, web pages or documents in the Ontario Ministry of the Environment website.

To use the search engine, just type a word or phrase into the "Search" box, then click the "Search" button. It’s that simple. When the process is complete, you will receive a list of documents that contain the key words or phrases included in your search criteria. It will even suggest alternative spellings in case you mistyped your entry!

Quick Tip: If you find that you get too many results with your first attempt, just go back and add some more specific keywords or terms. You'll get more precise results by typing "drinking water legislation" than, for example, just "legislation".

Last Modified: Thursday May 04 2006