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Government of Ontario Ministry of the Environment

Location: Ministry Home > Water > Lakewide Management Plans (LaMPs)

Lakewide Management Plans (LaMPs)

As part of its commitment to Great Lakes protection, the Ministry of the Environment is a partner in a series of binational Lakewide Management Plans (LaMPs), for Lake Ontario, Lake Erie, and Lake Superior, and is also a member of the Lake Huron Binational Partnership.

These management plans outline an approach to identifying and dealing with lakewide environmental issues in the Great Lakes.
Working through a number of federal, provincial, state and local partners, the LaMPs:

  • Identify lakewide environmental issues;
  • Define ecosystem goals and objectives;
  • Coordinate environmental efforts;
  • Encourage stewardship; and
  • Monitor progress.

The ultimate goal of the LaMPs is to maintain, restore and enhance the Great Lakes ecosystems for the water, plants, fish and wildlife, and for the health of the people who depend on these lakes.

The biennial reporting schedule for the LaMPs is mandated by the Great Lakes Binational Executive Committee (BEC), the two senior government representatives (Environment Canada and USEPA) to the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement and other government partners.

Canada and the United States developed the approach to Lake Management Planning in 1987, as part of the annexes under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement.

Lakewide Management also represents one of four annexes under the Canada-Ontario Agreement Respecting the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem (COA). These annexes set out specific commitments by Ontario and the federal government for the restoration and protection of the Great Lakes Basin ecosystem.

For more information on LaMPs: http://www.binational.net
Or: http://www.epa.gov/glnpo/gl2000/lamps/index.html

Lake Huron Binational Partnership:

In 2002 the federal, provincial and state agencies that participated in the binational environmental activities under the 1987 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, endorsed the formation of a Lake Huron Binational Partnership in order to prioritize and coordinate environmental activities in the Lake Huron basin.

This partnership builds on the efforts begun by the Michigan Office of the Great Lakes in their Lake Huron Initiative. The partnership facilitates information sharing and priority setting for binational environmental protection and restoration activities of importance in the Lake Huron basin and also the development of partnerships to undertake efforts that can not be accomplished by individual agencies alone.

For more information on the Lake Huron Binational Partnership: www.binational.net .

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