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Ministry of the Attorney General Ministère du Procureur général PDF Version

For Immediate Release
August 11, 2006


Six Judges To Preside In Toronto

TORONTO — Attorney General Michael Bryant today announced the appointment of six provincial judges to the Ontario Court of Justice, effective August 24, 2006.

"I am pleased to welcome these well-qualified, experienced individuals to the bench," said Bryant. "They have the breadth of experience that will allow them to make a significant contribution to the justice system."

Madam Justice Feroza Bhabha was called to the Bar in 1987. She worked as counsel in the federal Department of Justice, Tax Litigation Section and was an associate in a large law firm in Toronto. For 15 years she has been a Crown counsel in criminal law at the Ministry of the Attorney General, arguing cases at all levels of court and in particular, criminal appeals before the Court of Appeal for Ontario. Madam Justice Bhabha also worked with the Witness Protection Program. She has lectured at the Aylmer Police College and a diversion program aimed at reducing prostitution.

Called to the Bar in 1991, Mr. Justice Howard Borenstein has been in private practice for 15 years, primarily in criminal law. He has acted as trial and appellate counsel. More recently, his practice expanded to include quasi-criminal matters such as disciplinary hearings before professional bodies, labour law, a coroner's inquest and some litigation including civil trials. Mr. Justice Borenstein has lectured to criminal law articling students at the Ministry of the Attorney General and spoken at the Rotary Club on criminal justice issues.

Madam Justice Carol Brewer was called to the Bar in 1984 and for 22 years has practised criminal law at the Ministry of the Attorney General, appearing at all levels of court. She has held numerous senior positions within the ministry, most recently deputy director (appeal assignment) of Crown Law Office, Criminal. She has been a member of the Ontario Court of Appeal Criminal Appeal Rules Committee, a ministry representative for the National Wiretap Precedent Working Group and the Ontario regional planner for the Federation of Law Societies' National Criminal Law Program. Madam Justice Brewer has also been a lecturer for the Ontario Crown Attorneys' Association, the OPP and the RCMP and has given numerous courses, seminars and presentations on criminal law related issues.

Mr. Justice Paul French was called to the Bar in 1974 and has been in private practice for over 30 years, most recently as a Toronto based partner at Hughes Amys LLP conducting a broad litigation and advocacy practice. He has appeared as counsel in civil, criminal and public law matters before all levels of court and before numerous tribunals. He has also taken pro bono cases for residents of the Pikwakanagan First Nation in Golden Lake. Mr. Justice French has been a presenter and lecturer on various law related topics to legal organizations and the Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies. He has been a member of the Toronto Salvation Army's Community Advisory Council, Correctional and Justice Services, and has served as a director of the Advocates' Society.

Called to the Bar in 1988, Mr. Justice Shaun Shungi Nakatsuru had been in private practice for 12 years, specializing in criminal law and practising in all levels of court. He was a prosecutor and counsel for the College of Physicians and Surgeons for three years and most recently, was Crown counsel in the Constitutional Law Branch of the Ministry of the Attorney General. He has been a member of the Ontario Criminal Code Review Board and has served as a board director of the Kensington Bellwoods Community Legal Clinic. He has given numerous seminars and presentations to various legal organizations and published in the field of criminal law and evidence.

Madam Justice Andrea E.E. Tuck-Jackson was called to the Bar in 1992 and practised criminal law with the Toronto law firm Cooper, Sandler & West for the past 14 years. Since 1993, she has also been a part-time prosecutor for the Ministry of the Attorney General. She has advocated for clients before the Ontario Parole and Earned Release Parole Board and the National Parole Board. Since 2004, she has acted as co-counsel for the Ontario Provincial Police before the Ipperwash Inquiry. Madam Justice Tuck-Jackson has worked on judicial reviews and inquiries including the Honourable Sydney L. Robins' review to identify and prevent sexual misconduct in Ontario schools. She has also served as a board member of Operation Springboard, a non-profit, community-based social service agency that provides open custody facilities and runs court-sanctioned diversion programs, learning and employment centres.

Chief Justice Brian W. Lennox has assigned all six judges to preside in Toronto.

Bryant has appointed 57 judges since the McGuinty government was sworn in on October 23, 2003.

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Brendan Crawley
Communications Branch
(416) 326-2210

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