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Land Registration Information

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Numerical Index to Memos

Memo # Subject
EM199201 Land Transfer Tax Act issues.
EM199204 "Save Harmless" Agreements Used by Some Conservation Authorities.
EM199205 Registration of Orders in Council for Annexations.
EM199206 Copies from Microfilm of Pre-Confederation Documents.
EM199207 Lodgement of Minister's Order under Subsection 47(6)(B) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 13.
EM199208 Authority to Produce Microfilm of Abstract Index.
EM199301 Use of PIN on Plans prepared for Registration or Deposit.
EM199402 Bill 161….Land Transfer Tax Act.
EM199403 Confederation Trust Company.
EM199404 Pre-approving Documents for Registration in more than one Land Registry Office.
EM199405 Transfer and Abandonment's of Railway Rights-of-Way.
EM199406 Registration of Covenants.
EM199407 Confederation Life Insurance Company and Confederation Trust Company.
EM199501 Application Fees - Certificate of First Registration - LTA and _ Certificate of Title - CTA.
EM199502 Confederation Life Insurance Company and Confederation Trust Company.
EM199503 Notice to All Ontario Land Surveyors - Plotting Technology.
EM199504 Transfer and Abandonment's of CNR Rights-of-Way.
EM199505 Income Trust Company.
EM199506 Registry System - "Unabstracted Index".
EM199507 Liens under Provincial Tax Acts.
EM199508 Association of Ontario Land Surveyors - Plan Submission Forms.
EM199509 Plan Correction Fees.
EM199510 Income Trust Company.
EM199511 Portfolio Operating Agreements - Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.
EM199512 An Application from the Lessor to delete a Notice of Oil and Gas Lease from a Parcel Register.
EM199601 Transfer of Highways.
EM199603 "Assurance Fees".
EM199605 Writs of Execution.
EM199606 Death of Joint Tenants.
EM199608 TD Trust Company Act.
EM199609 Further Recording Debentures against Property.
EM199610 Family Trust Corporation.
EM199611 Crown Patent - Execution Searches.
EM199701 Notices of Assumption.
EM199702 Firstline Trust Company (FLT) - Change of Name.
EM199704 Red Tape Reduction Act (Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations), 1997.
EM199705 Document Pre-Approval.
EM199706 Notices of Assumption under the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act.
EM199707 POLARIS Printout Issue.
EM199710 Schedules on MTO Plans.
EM199712 Transfer from Ontario Clean Water Agency to Municipalities.
EM199713 Municipal Restructuring.
EM199801 Commissioning/Notarizing Affidavits.
EM199802 Corporate Documents.
EM199803 Notice of Claim - Land Transfer Tax Affidavit.
EM199804 Municipal Easements.
EM199805 Charges for copying a Property Index Map Sheet.
EM199806 Federal Court Writs.
EM199808 Preferential Share of the Spouse under the Succession Law Reform Act.
EM199811 Education Improvement Commission Orders.
EM199812 Red Tape Reduction Act, 1998.
EM199901 New Condominium Act - Bill 38.
EM199902 Land Transfer Tax.
EM199903 Notice of Lease of Chattels - Consumers Gas.
EM199904 The Electricity Act, 1998 and The Land Transfer Tax Act.
EM199905 Courts Renamed.
EM199906 Office of the Public guardian and Trustee.
EM199908 Notarial Copies of Documents.
EM199909 Easements.
EM199910 Bulletin 98002.
EM200001 Bill 11 - The Red Tape Reduction Act. 1999.
EM200002 POLARIS Activation by PIN
EM200003 Estate Conveyancing.
EM200004 Bulletin 2000-3.
EM200005 Writ of Execution numbers where no information is available
EM200006 Bill 119 - The Red Tape Reduction Act, 2000.
EM200101 Title and Survey Services Website
EM200103 Plan Document for Plan of Subdivision
EM200201 Government efficiency Act, 2002 - Bill179
EM200301 CIBC Mortgage Corporation/Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
EM200302 Municipal Tax Sales
EM200303 Electricity Act, 1998 - Transfer of Corridor Lands
EM200401 Encroachment Agreements
EM200402 Plan Title Blocks
EM200403 Discharge of Liens under the Ontario Works Act, 1997 and Ontario Disability Support Program Act,
EM200501 Memo EM199712 - Transfers from Ontario Clean Water Agency to Municipalities under the Municipal Water and Sewage Transfer Act
EM200502 Public Infrastructure Renewal – Order-In-Council 1487/2005
EM200503 Easements in Gross; Dominant Tenement
EM200601 Procedural Changes Resulting from the Ramsay Decision      New

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