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Location: Ministry of Culture > About the Ministry > Heritage > Historical Buildings and Sites > Conservation Review Board

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Conservation Review Board

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Conservation Review Board (CRB)

The Conservation Review Board (CRB), was established in 1975 with the passage of the Ontario Heritage Act, as a Schedule I Agency whose mandate is to conduct hearings and make recommendations dealing with objections under Parts IV and VI of the Ontario Heritage Act (Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, Chapter O.18, Part III, s.24); specifically:

Part IV (individual heritage properties designated by municipalities): hearings for review of a municipal council's decision for proposed designation of a heritage property (the property owner(s) or other individuals may object to the Council's decision to designate, in writing, to Council, by the 30-day deadline specified in the municipality's published Notice of Intention to Designate); of refusal to repeal designation; of refusal to permit alterations to a designated property. The majority of the Board hearings deal with Part IV designations.

Part VI (designation of archaeological sites by Minister of Culture; licensing permits to excavate or alter designated archaeological site): hearings for review of Minister's decision to refuse archaeological licence; to revoke or suspend licence; of Minister's decision to designate or not to repeal designation of an archaeological site; of Minister's decision not to grant or to suspend or revoke permit to excavate or alter designated archaeological site.

Conservation Review Board Reports
Reports Listed by Year
2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998
1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990

Reports Listed by Municipality

Get Adobe Acrobat IconITo view and print the Board's hearing reports you require Adobe Acrobat Reader (version 3.0 or later). You can download this software free from the Adobe Web site.

Other Information:

  • The Board is not a binding appeal tribunal (unlike the Ontario Municipal Board); it reviews municipal and ministerial decisions and makes recommendations to the municipal council (Part IV) or the Minister (Part VI).

Conservation Review Board Members:

Chair: Peter Zakarow

Members: Maurice Jouenne, Stuart Kidd, Peggy Kurtin, Richard McDonald, Terry Moynihan, Su Murdoch and Stuart Henderson

Mailing address for the Conservation Review Board:

c/o Rita Caldarone
Administrative Clerk
Conservation Review Board
400 University Avenue, 4th Floor
Toronto, Ontario  M7A 2R9

Telephone: 416-314-7137
Fax: 416-314-7175

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