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Chair's Message

Carl F. DombekWelcome to the new version of the Licence Appeal Tribunal's (LAT) website.

The main goal in revamping the website is to help you, as a user, obtain information about LAT, its role and the hearing process.  In most cases information is provided in plain language and is easily accessible.  This confirms the aim of LAT to be both open and transparent to the citizens of Ontario.  It will also assist those that appear before the Tribunal to be better prepared for the hearing itself.  For example searching for precedent setting cases has been simplified.

As the number of appeals before LAT continue to increase, there needs to be a strong focus on increased efficiency without hurting the quality of the decision making process. Users of the site can monitor our performance through the use of the statistics provided here. As an example, once an appeal has been properly filed to the date a decision is released is less than 6 months.  This is one of the best averages in the Agency Sector.

I invite you to follow our website links to explore the role that we play in consumer protection, and in your life.

Yours Sincerely,

Carl F. Dombek