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Attorney General Appoints Commissioners to the Ontario Human Rights Commission

Toronto - (November 8, 2006) [READ MORE]

Commission settlement guarantees gender equality for doctors seeking parental leave

Toronto (September 28,2006) – A recent settlement negotiated by the Ontario Human Rights Commission (the “Commission”) guarantees equality between female and male doctors seeking parental leave benefits from their employers, Chief Commissioner Barbara Hall announced today. [READ MORE]


Chief Commissioner Barbara HallChief Commissioner Facilitates Human Rights Workshops At International Aids Conference

(August 16, 2006) – Ontario Human Rights Chief Commissioner Barbara Hall was invited to chair a number of sessions at the XVI International AIDS 2006 Conference, including two conference seminars held earlier this week on Hot Topics in Human Rights and HIV/AIDS and Time to Deliver on Stigma and Discrimination. [READ MORE]

Guide To Releases With Respect To Human Rights Complaints

(July 27, 2006) – The Ontario Human Rights Commission has produced a new guide called Guide To Releases With Respect To Human Rights Complaints. The Guide has been developed to assist both employers and employees, and will help them to structure termination agreements and releases that reflect appropriate human rights principles. It includes sample text for a release of human rights claim that is consistent with principles expressed by Ontario’s courts and the Supreme Court of Canada. The Guide was approved by the Commission on May 30, 2006. [READ MORE]

Ontario Court of Appeal Decision Anticipated Tomorrow in Wynberg et al. v. Ontario Autism Cases

Toronto (July 6, 2006) – The Ontario Court of Appeal will issue its decision in Wynberg et al. v. Ontario, a case challenging government funding restrictions on Intensive Behavioural Intervention services (IBI) for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs). [READ MORE]

Restaurant Accessibility Report Highlights Successes Of Industry Cooperation

Toronto (July 6, 2006) – Chief Commissioner Barbara Hall of the Ontario Human Rights Commission (the "Commission") was joined by representatives of the business, government, and disability communities today while releasing Moving Towards Barrier-Free Services, the Commission’s final report into restaurant accessibility. [READ MORE]

Pivotal Time for Human Rights, Chief Commissioner Reports

Toronto (June 29, 2006) – On releasing the Commission’s 2005-2006 Annual Report today at Queen’s Park, Chief Commissioner Barbara Hall commented that, "This is a pivotal time for human rights in our province." [READ MORE]

Commission Appeals Advance Human Rights Law

Commission Wins Landmark Decision Finding Ontario Coroners Act Discriminates Against Families Of Psychiatric Patients

Toronto (May 26, 2006) - A far reaching decision concerning the discriminatory treatment of psychiatric patients was issued by the Human Rights Tribunal on Tuesday, May 25, 2006. [READ MORE]

Commission Wins An Important Victory For Transsexual Persons In Ontario

Toronto (May 24, 2006) - A decision concerning the treatment of transsexual persons detained by police was issued by the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario on Tuesday, May 16, 2006. The complainant’s case was referred and argued by the Ontario Human Rights Commission. [READ MORE]

Ontario Human Rights Commission Statistics for the Year Ending March 31, 2006

Human Rights Commission Sent 170 Complaints To Tribunal This Past Year

Toronto (May 11, 2006) - The Ontario Human Rights Commission (the "Commission") resolved 2,260 cases in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2006, 45 more than last year. 1,291 cases, or 57 per cent, were resolved through negotiated settlements, 256 received Commission decisions after thorough consideration of parties' written submissions, and a further 170 were referred to the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (the "Tribunal") for an oral hearing. [READ MORE]

Commission Initiates Complaint Against Goldcorp’s Drug Testing Policy

Toronto (May 4, 2006) - The Ontario Human Rights Commission (the “Commission”) has initiated a complaint against Goldcorp Inc. (“Goldcorp”), alleging that sections of the company’s Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy violate the Ontario Human Rights Code (the “Code”). [READ MORE]

Commission's Initial Response to the Introduction of Bill 107 to Reform Ontario’s Human Rights System

(April 28, 2006) - On April 26th, 2006, the Attorney General introduced in the legislature Bill 107, An Act to Amend the Human Rights Code, which, if passed, will reform Ontario’s human rights system. [READ MORE]

Supreme Court rules government tribunals must apply Human Rights Code

Toronto (April 25, 2006) - The Supreme Court of Canada released a far-reaching decision declaring that the Ontario Social Benefits Tribunal has the authority to decide whether a section of the Ontario Disability Support Program Act, 1997 (the “ODSPA”) breaches the Ontario Human Rights Code (the “Code”). [READ MORE]

TTC agrees to survey racial background of employees to monitor equity in hiring and promotion

Toronto (April 20, 2006) - The Ontario Human Rights Commission (the “Commission”) has reached a settlement in two related employment complaints involving the Toronto Transit Commission (the “TTC”). [READ MORE]

Chief Commissioner clarifies that statements regarding direct access are inaccurate

(April 13, 2006) - I would like to clarify my position regarding support for any proposed model to amend the human rights system. Recent reports suggest that I support the direct access model. These statements are inaccurate. I do not support any specific system, and will not until all of the parameters are made public. Any reform must be based on international principles and involve all affected communities. [READ MORE]

Commission order reinforces rights of riders with disabilities to accessible public transit

Toronto (April 7, 2006) - The Ontario Human Rights Commission (the “Commission”) has made an order declaring that paratransit services in Toronto, Hamilton, Windsor and London, are not “special programs.” Rather, these services form part of the legal duty on transit providers under Ontario’s Human Rights Code (the “Code”) to accommodate riders with disabilities who cannot access conventional public transit. [READ MORE]

Learn more about Transit Accessibility

Commission releases research paper on balancing conflicting rights

Toronto (March 29, 2006) - The Ontario Human Rights Commission has released an independent research paper on balancing conflicting human rights. Written for the Commission by an external researcher, this paper was prepared as a first step to explore different views and broaden understanding of issues surrounding this topic. [READ MORE]

OHRC’s work helps Windsor take steps to join UNESCO’s international coalition against racism

Toronto (March 22, 2006) - The Ontario Human Rights Commission’s ("OHRC") Chief Commissioner Barbara Hall commemorated March 21st, the UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, alongside City of Windsor Mayor Eddie Francis, at a public ceremony held at the Mackenzie Hall cultural centre.  Mayor Francis marked the occasion by signing a Declaration of Intent to join a Canadian Coalition of Municipalities against Racism and Discrimination.  David Walden, the Secretary-General of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO ("CCU") was also present for the event. [READ MORE]

Human Rights Commission updates policy to reflect same-sex marriage rights

Toronto (March 16, 2006) - The Ontario Human Rights Commission (the “Commission”) has released an updated version of its Policy on Discrimination and Harassment because of Sexual Orientation, Chief Commissioner Barbara Hall announced today. [READ MORE]

Chief Commissioner comments on government's announcement about proposed reforms to Ontario's human rights system

March 7, 2006

Dear Mr. Bryant:

I have now had an opportunity to discuss your recent announcement regarding changes to the human rights system in Ontario with my fellow Commissioners.  We are pleased that the Government plans to address longstanding issues in the system. [READ MORE]

Strengthening Ontario’s Human Rights System
> Read the covering letter
> Read the preliminary comments

Supreme Court of Canada reaffirms Commission position on religious rights of Khalsa Sikhs to wear ceremonial kirpans

Toronto (March 2, 2006) - The Supreme Court of Canada released its unanimous decision today in the case of Multani v. Commission scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys. The Court found in favour of Multani, ruling that his religious rights had been infringed. [READ MORE]

Tribunal Finds Falun Gong a Protected Creed under Ontario’s Human Rights Code

Toronto (January 25, 2006) - In a decision released on January 18th, 2006, the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario has ruled that the Ottawa Chinese Senior Association discriminated when it terminated the membership of one of its members because she practises Falun Gong. [READ MORE]

News Release in Traditional Chinese
News Release in Simplified Chinese
Backgrounder in Traditional Chinese
Backgrounder in Simplified Chinese

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Feature Links

Strengthening Ontario's Human Rights System

2005-2006 Annual Report
2005-2006 Annual Report
Canadian Commission for UNESCO logo
Call for a Coalition of Municipalities Against Racism and Discrimination
Policy and Guidelines on Racism and Racial Discrimination
Submission to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy on Bill 211, Ending Mandatory Retirement Statute Law Amendment Act
Human Rights and the Family in Ontario
The Ontario Safe Schools Act: School Discipline And Discrimination - Report
Dining Out Accessibly

Popular Publications

Canadian Diversity
Race Policy Dialogue Conference Papers
Submission regarding the consultations to strengthen the Ontarians with Disabilities Act
Chief Commissioner's statement marking anniversary of racial profiling report
Guidelines on Accessible Education
Submission regarding the consultations on ending Mandatory Retirement
Submission to the Ontario Police Complaints Review
Human Rights at Work - 2004 Edition
Human Rights at Work
- 2004 Edition -

The Opportunity to Succeed: Achieving Barrier-free Education for Students with Disabilities
Paying the Price: The Human Cost of Racial Profiling

This information is provided as a public service by the Ontario Human Rights Commission. Although we endeavour to ensure that the information is as current and accurate as possible, errors do occasionally occur. Please verify information before acting on it.

Comments, feedback and general inquiries: info@ohrc.on.ca
© 2005 Queen's Printer for Ontario