Psychiatric Patient Advocate Office - Bureau de l'intervention en faveur des patients des établissements psychiatriques

Mental Illness Awareness Week -- click to open a new window to the website

Mental Health Service Information Ontario - opens a new browser window

CLEONet - online clearinghouse for community legal education in Ontario - click to open a new browser window is an award winning site for youth by youth. This is a place where you can get info, resources and the tools to help you manage stress, crisis and mental health problems. Share what you live and what you know with your friends. That’s what we’re about.  Reach out. Get help. Give help. (Opens a new browser window) is a short-term (June to November 2006) Canada-wide initiative or project designed to celebrate successes of people with disabilities. We are building towards a Forum (Meeting) in Ottawa on November 2, 2006.  >Opens a new browser window.


The Psychiatric Patient Advocate Office (PPAO) was established in 1983 to protect the civil and legal rights of inpatients in the current and former Ontario provincial psychiatric hospitals. As a rights protection agency with a "client first" philosophy, the PPAO is dedicated to promoting patients' rights in Ontario by providing individual and systemic advocacy, rights advice and education. The PPAO undertakes these initiatives to improve the quality of care and life of all individuals with a mental illness.


CLEONet - online clearinghouse for community legal education in Ontario - click to open a new browser window
PPAO website featured
The Psychiatric Patient Advocate Office is being featured in the "Community Spotlight" section of the CLEOnet Website during the month of December. Visit their website for information on a variety of resources ...

The Mandatory Blood Testing Act:
Submission: Bill 28 endeavours to safeguard the health of victims of crime, emergency service workers, and good Samaritans by requiring the taking and analyzing of blood samples of another person where there is a risk of exposure to a “listed communicable disease,” such as HIV, or Hepatitis B or C. In its submission, PPAO raises concerns and makes recommendations to enhance fundamental rights protections for those who are forced to comply with mandatory testing…

A Submission Regarding Bill 140 – An Act Respecting Long-Term Care Homes
Read our submission…

Press Release:  September 15, 2006
     20th Anniversary of Rights Advice Celebrated

2005 Annual Report: Realizing Rights - PDF (1MB)

Inquests into Patient Deaths
The Psychiatric Patient Advocate Office is concerned about the number of patient deaths following admission to mental health facilities, immediately following discharge or when a person is denied admission to a mental health facility. We are also concerned that in many of these cases inquests are not held, despite urging from advocates, family members and other stakeholders.
See PPAO's expanded Inquests Section...

New InfoGuides released
     Systemic Advocacy
     Accessing Personal Health Records
     Appeal: Legal Aid Ontario Decisions

Workshops Focused on Mental Health Legislation Updated!
The Psychiatric Patient Advocate Office hosted a series of well-attended workshops across Ontario in Fall 2006 regarding mental health legislation. Of interest to clients, families, caregivers, health practitioners and service providers, the workshops were held in Hamilton, Kingston, London, Ottawa, Thunder Bay, Toronto and Windsor. Details + Presentation Materials...

Human Rights Code Amendment Act, 2006 
     Submission to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy

Police Records Searches  Updated!
The Psychiatric Patient Advocate Office, as a rights protection agency, is concerned with what is in our opinion the discriminatory practice of releasing non-criminal information as part of a police reference check. The release of such information can, and often does, have a profoundly negative impact on the ability of our clients to find employment, volunteer opportunities or student placements. Go to police records section…

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Latest site update: December 14, 2006