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Candidate Protocol

Examination Program - Candidate Protocol

1.0         General

1.1       An examination candidate must apply for an examination using the Examination Application at least 3 weeks in advance of the examination date.  No applications will be accepted within 3 weeks of the examination date.  Examinations are non-transferable.

1.2       Candidates will receive an Admission Letter informing them of the acceptance of their application and confirming the following information regarding their examination:

  • Examination Name;
  • Exam Language (English or French)
  • Location;
  • Date;
  • Start time; and
  • Specification of applicable Testing Accommodations

1.3       Candidates must be present at the examination 30 minutes prior to the examination start time in order to sign-in with the Invigilator.

1.4       Candidates must show at least one piece of recent government-issued identification bearing a photograph and signature, and their Admission Letter in order to receive an examination package containing their examination papers and materials.

1.5       The examination packages are to be left unopened until otherwise instructed by the Invigilator.

1.6       Each examination is 3 hours in length and contains 75 multiple-choice questions, except for the On-Site Sewage – Inspector examination which is 2 ½ hours and contains 60 questions, and the On-Site Sewage – Supervisor which is 2 hours and contains 50 questions.

1.7       Each multiple-choice question contains a choice between four possible answers, of which the candidate is to select the best answer.

1.8       The examination is open-book.  Candidates may bring only the following:

  • Building Code Act, 1992, as amended by the Building Code Statute Law Amendment Act, 2002
  • Ontario Building Code, 1997 (O.Reg. 403/97) as amended by O.Reg. 305/03
  • Supplementary Guidelines to the Ontario Building Code, 1997 as amended to September, 2003 (where referenced in an examination syllabus)
  • The Code and Guide for Plumbing 1997 (O.Reg 403/97), as amended by O.Reg. 305/03 (where applicable)
  • Code & Guide for Sewage Systems 1997 as amended to September, 2003 (where applicable)

1.9       Candidates are expected to bring their own non-programmable calculator.  Laptop computers and CD-ROM versions of the Ontario Building Code are prohibited for use during the examination session.

1.10   All material required to write the examination will be supplied in the examination package.  Each candidate will be given:

  • An examination booklet;
  • Answer sheet;
  • Pencil; and
  • Eraser.

1.11   All material supplied to a candidate must be returned at the completion of the examination.

1.12   Candidates may NOT use any other items than those listed above during the examination, including:

  • Any unauthorised book, manuscript, manual, circular or similar document; and
  • Electronic communication devices (including, but not limited to, cell phones, pagers, Blackberrys, and PDAs)

1.13   All electronic communication devices must be turned off throughout the examination.

1.14   Candidates will be asked to place their personal effects under their chairs prior to the commencement of the examination and until their examination is complete.  Neither the Invigilator nor the Building and Development Branch of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs are responsible for lost, stolen or misplaced articles.

1.15   Candidates that complete their examination prior to 15 minutes before the end of the examination period may hand in their examination package to the Invigilator and fill out the sign-out sheet prior to leaving the examination room.

1.16   Candidates are not permitted to leave the examination room in the last 15 minutes of the examination.  Candidates who complete their work during the last 15 minutes must remain quietly seated until the Invigilator announces the end of the examination period.

1.17   The Invigilator will collect the examination packages at the end of the session and require each candidate to fill out the sign-out sheet.  Candidates are to remain seated until dismissed and are NOT to hand-in their examination and materials during the last 15 minutes of the examination period.

2.0         Testing Accommodations

2.1        Candidates should refer to Examination Program – Testing Accommodations if candidates have a disability that requires special accommodation.

2.2        Candidates that require the use of a translator, interpreter or reader should contact the Building and Development Branch no later than thirty (30) days before the examination sitting

3.0         Misconduct

3.1        The Invigilator may require a candidate to leave the examination if, in the opinion of the Invigilator, that candidate’s conduct is disturbing to other candidates or is disrupting the smooth progress of the examination.  This includes:

  • Communicating with other candidates during the examination period;
  • Passing calculators or other materials to other candidates during the examination period; and
  • Smoking, eating or drinking during the examination period.

3.2        Candidates will be assigned a Fail mark and may not re-write that particular examination until the candidate has re-registered, paid the fee and six months has elapsed, if they do any of the following:

  • Cheat;
  • Mark up their Building Code and/or Supplementary Guidelines during the examination period;
  • Use unauthorized materials; or
  • Impersonate an examination candidate.

4.0         During the Examination

4.1        Candidates are to leave their identification on their desk throughout the duration of the examination.

4.2        Should a candidate claim that the examination supplied is not the examination they registered for, the candidate may write the examination supplied or may elect not to write and re-register for another examination.  The re-registration fee will be waived if Ministry of Municipal Affairs supplied an erroneous examination.

4.3        Time will be called out at the end of 1 hour, 2 hours, as well as when 15 minutes are remaining in the allocated examination period.

4.4        No candidate is permitted to enter the examination room after the commencement of the examination

4.5        Candidates wishing to leave from the room to use the washroom must raise their hand and have their papers collected by the Invigilator.  Their papers will be returned upon their return.  Additional time will not be allocated for the time the candidate was away.  If, in the Invigilator's opinion, examination security has not been maintained, the candidate's examination will be stopped.

4.6        Only one candidate will be permitted to be temporarily out of the examination room at any particular time.

4.7        Candidates are not permitted to be temporarily out of the examination room during the last 45 minutes of the examination period.

4.8        When so instructed, candidates MUST stop writing and await the Invigilator to collect the examination material.  Failure to do so may result in a Fail mark.

5.0         Failed or Missed Examinations

5.1        If a candidate fails an examination, the candidate may apply to retake the examination.  Candidates must reapply for the examination and pay the full examination fee for all examinations that are retaken as a result of failure.

5.2        If a candidate cannot attend a scheduled examination due to an illness, the candidate must notify the Building and Development Branch prior to the date of the examination with a letter from a qualified medical professional.

5.3        If a candidate misses an examination without notifying the Building and Development Branch, the candidate will be identified as a “No Show” on the Ministry’s register and will forfeit the examination fee.  The candidate may reapply for the examination and repay the examination fee.

6.0         After the Examination

6.1        An Examination Results Letter will be issued to all candidates who complete the examination.  Completion status will not be disclosed by telephone, e-mail or in person.

6.2         Candidates may take an examination more than once; but must reapply each time with proper advance notice of 3 weeks.


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Last Modified: August 2, 2002