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Building and Development Branch

The Building and Development Branch works with the municipal and building sectors and consumer groups to improve and streamline the building regulatory system. This leads to efficient development and more construction jobs, while protecting public safety.  The Branch administers the Building Code Act (BCA) and the Ontario Building Code (OBC), which govern the construction of new buildings and the renovation and maintenance of existing buildings.  We provide enforcement officials and other building code users with advice and information so that they can apply building code requirements more consistently. 

Large-scale reviews of the OBC occur on a regular basis. These reviews involve stakeholders, and are a joint initiative of National, Provincial, & Territorial building, plumbing and fire code regulators. In the review process, Ontario also considers its own policy objectives, e.g., preservation of existing buildings, public pools/spas, and septic systems. Code amendments occur for a variety of reasons, including Coroner's recommendations, public policy directions, and stakeholder proposals.

The Branch provides technical and secretariat support to the Building Code Commission (BCC) and the Building Material Evaluation Commission (BMEC).  The BCC resolves disputes on the technical requirements of the OBC.  The BMEC evaluates innovative materials, systems and designs for construction use in Ontario.  Commission members are appointed on the basis of their technical expertise in relevant fields, such as construction, building science, fire safety and sewage systems.

We deliver training courses on the OBC, and work with partners, such as trade associations and colleges, to deliver courses to members.  There are currently twenty-four courses covering technical and administrative aspects of the OBC, such as Building Envelope, Fire Protection, and Plumbing. As well, the Ministry currently licenses 3,000 on-site septic installers and 500 inspectors, and all are required to pass examinations about on-site septic system provisions of the OBC.

The Branch has a team of Building Code Advisors that answer questions from building officials, designers, and contractors on the technical and process aspects of the Code. The advisors also provide technical support to the BCC and BMEC, as well as to industry and enforcement associations. 

The government receives policy and legislative support from the Branch's team of policy advisors. They brief the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing on building regulation and related issues, and suggest appropriate policy directions based on research and stakeholder input.




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