/********************************************************************************* Global variables *********************************************************************************/ ns4 = (document.layers)? true:false ie4 = (document.all)? true:false var isNav, isIE, isNav6 var coll = "" var styleObj = "" if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4) { if (navigator.appName == "Netscape") { isNav = true if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 5) { isNav6 = true } } else { isIE = true coll = "all." styleObj = ".style" } } /* =START================================================= Purpose: Printer friendly job ads. Developer: Kurt Saik Date: Oct 20, 2003 ========================================================== */ // // Opens printer friendly form along with windows print dialogue box // function OpenForm(sForm){ doc=document.forms[0]; var url="./" + sForm + "?openForm"; var name="ItemPopUpWindow"; var args = "dependent=yes,width=600,height=500,screenX=100,screenY=100,titlebar=yes,scrollbars"; // var args = "dependent=yes,width=500,height=700,screenX=200,screenY=300"; if (typeof(popupWin) != "object"){ popupWin = window.open(url,name,args); }else{ if (!popupWin.closed){ popupWin.location.href = url; }else{ popupWin = window.open(url, name,args); } popupWin.focus(); } } function OpenFormPortal(sForm){ doc=document.forms[0]; var url="" + sForm + "?openForm"; var name="ItemPopUpWindow"; var args = "dependent=yes,width=600,height=550,screenX=100,screenY=100,titlebar=yes,scrollbars"; if (typeof(popupWin) != "object"){ popupWin = window.open(url,name,args); }else{ if (!popupWin.closed){ popupWin.location.href = url; }else{ popupWin = window.open(url, name,args); } popupWin.focus(); } } function OpenPortalWin(sURL){ doc=document.forms[0]; var url=sURL; var name="ItemPopUpWindow"; var args = ""; if (typeof(popupWin) != "object"){ popupWin = window.open(url,name,args); }else{ if (!popupWin.closed){ popupWin.location.href = url; }else{ popupWin = window.open(url, name,args); } popupWin.focus(); } } // // Only works in Internet Explorer // function ZoomClose(sx,sy){ var ii = 10 var xx = sx/ii var iHolder = sx for (var i=1;i<=xx;i++) { iHolder = iHolder - ii resizeTo(iHolder,iHolder); } } /* ========================================================= Purpose: Printer friendly job ads. ==STOP==================================================== */ /********************************************************************************* Convert object name string or object reference into a valid object reference *********************************************************************************/ function getObject(obj) { var theObj if (typeof obj == "string") { theObj = eval("document." + coll + obj + styleObj) } else { theObj = obj } return theObj } /********************************************************************************* Window Resize *********************************************************************************/ NS4 = document.layers; if (NS4) { origWidth = innerWidth; origHeight = innerHeight; } function reDo() { if (innerWidth != origWidth || innerHeight != origHeight) location.reload(); } if (NS4) onresize = reDo; /********************************************************************************* Check for Images *********************************************************************************/ if (document.images) { goodVersion = true; } else { goodVersion = false; } /********************************************************************************* Browser Version & Platform Check *********************************************************************************/ DHTMLversion = "Disabled" if (navigator.appVersion.substring(0, 1) >= 4) { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE", 0) > -1) { if (false) { //(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mac", 0) > -1) { DHTMLversion = "Disabled" } else { DHTMLversion = "MSIE" } } else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mozilla", 0) > -1) { DHTMLversion = "NS" } } //--- Browser Version & Platform Check function imageSwap(which, state) { if(timer2) { window.clearTimeout(timer2); } if (goodVersion) { //var thisImage = document.images[which]; var thisImage = getImage(which); var thisImageSrc = thisImage.src; var imageName = thisImageSrc.substring(0,thisImageSrc.lastIndexOf("_o")); if (state == 0) { thisImage.src = imageName + "_off.gif" } else { thisImage.src = imageName + "_on.gif" } } } if (goodVersion) { var PageImages = new Array(); var PageAltImages = new Array(); } var timer var timer2 var speed = 10 function imageSwapSlow(obj, state) { if(timer2) { window.clearTimeout(timer2); } timer2 = window.setTimeout("imageSwap(" + "\'" + obj + "\','0'" + ")", speed) } //--- Images Preload function LoadActiveImages() { if (goodVersion) { var num = document.images.length; for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { var thisImage = document.images[i]; var thisImageSrc = thisImage.src; var imageName = thisImageSrc.substring(0,thisImageSrc.indexOf("_o")); //document.write(imageName + "
"); if (thisImageSrc.indexOf("_off") != -1) { PageImages[i] = new Image(thisImage.width, thisImage.height); PageImages[i].src = imageName + "_on.gif"; alert(imageName + "_on.gif") } else if (thisImage.src.indexOf("_on") != -1) { PageAltImages[i] = new Image(thisImage.width, thisImage.height); PageAltImages[i].src = imageName + "_off.gif"; alert(imageName + "_off.gif") //var ImagePtr = getImage(thisImage); //document.images[getImage(thisImage)].src = imageName + "_off.gif"; //document.images[getImage(thisImage)].src = imageName + "_off.gif"; } } } } function getImage(inputName) { //document.write("About to get Image: " + image_name +"
"); var myImage = document [inputName]; browserName = navigator.appName; browserVer = parseInt(navigator.appVersion); if (browserName == "Netscape" && browserVer == 3) { if (myImage.length) { return myImage[myImage.length-1]; } else return myImage; } else { return myImage; } } //--- Netscape doesn't handle imageswaps in divs without //--- specifying the div's position in the document hierarchy function imageSwapDiv(which, state, whatDiv) { if (goodVersion) { //var thisImage = document.images[which]; if ((DHTMLversion == "NS") && (whatDiv != null) && (!isNav6)) { var thisImage = document.layers[whatDiv].document[which] } else { var thisImage = getImage(which) } var thisImageSrc = thisImage.src; var imageName = thisImageSrc.substring(0,thisImageSrc.lastIndexOf("_o")); if (state == 0) { var newImagesrc = imageName + "_off.gif" } else { var newImagesrc = imageName + "_on.gif" } thisImage.src = newImagesrc } } //--- this version of imageSwapDiv handles 2 layers of div's for netscape4.x function imageSwapDiv2(which, state, whatDiv, whatDiv2) { if (goodVersion) { //var thisImage = document.images[which]; if ((DHTMLversion == "NS") && (whatDiv != null)) { var thisImage = document.layers[whatDiv].document.layers[whatDiv2].document[which] } else { var thisImage = getImage(which) } var thisImageSrc = thisImage.src; var imageName = thisImageSrc.substring(0,thisImageSrc.lastIndexOf("_o")); if (state == 0) { var newImagesrc = imageName + "_off.gif" } else { var newImagesrc = imageName + "_on.gif" } thisImage.src = newImagesrc } } //--- Window Functions function popWindow(URL,name,widgets) { popwin = window.open(URL, name, widgets) popwin.focus() popwin.opener = self window.name = "MainWin" } function closeWin(){ window.close() } hideID = 0 lastViewed = "wholayer" // Setting the visibility of an object to visible function show(obj) { if (isNav6) { var theObj = document.getElementById(obj) } else { var theObj = getObject(obj) } if(timer) { window.clearTimeout(timer); } if (isNav6) { if (theObj.style.visibility != "visible") { theObj.style.visibility="visible" } } else { if (theObj.visibility != "visible") { theObj.visibility="visible" } } if (lastViewed != obj) { hide(lastViewed); lastViewed=obj } } // Setting the visibility of an object to hidden function hide(obj) { if (isNav6) { var theObj = document.getElementById(obj) if (theObj.style.visibility != "hidden") { theObj.style.visibility = "hidden" } } else { var theObj = getObject(obj) if (theObj.visibility != "hidden") { theObj.visibility = "hidden" } } } function hideSlow(obj) { if(timer) { window.clearTimeout(timer); } timer = window.setTimeout("hide(" + "\'" + obj + "\'" + ")", speed) }