FAQs for Employees

I want a change. Where can I go to learn about other jobs or careers?

Job Connect can help you plan, prepare for and succeed in the job market, and work toward higher skills training and employment. Through Job Connect you can get help with:

  • learning about jobs and careers
  • planning your career and preparing for employment
  • finding a job suited to your skills

You can use the Employment Ontario network to find Job Banks and other employment services in your area.

Help! I'm going to be losing my job. What can I do?

If you are affected by a plant closure or downsizing, the government's Adjustment Advisory Program can help. An adjustment advisor can give you advice on career planning, upgrading your training or education, job searching, starting a small business, or dealing with stress of job loss. If you are interested in this program, just contact one of the 26 apprenticeship field offices across Ontario for more information and ask to be referred to an adjustment advisor.

Services offered by the federal government include Employment Insurance and Employment Assistance.

Finally, the Ontario Works Program provides income and employment assistance for people who are in temporary financial need.

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My disability is making it hard to find work. What should I do?

In addition to the services available to all Ontarians, the Ontario Disability Support Program provides supports to people with disabilities who want and are able to work.

What supports are there for Aboriginal peoples?

The Aboriginal Human Resources Development Council of Canada offers a number of services to help Aboriginal peoples enter and stay in the workforce.

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Where can I find out more about the working in Ontario?

The Ministry of Labour provides information for employees on many topics including:

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How can Employment Ontario help me?

Employment Ontario is Ontario's employment and training network. We want to help you get the training, education, skills and experience you need to achieve your goals. You can access Employment Ontario in three ways: by telephone, online or in person. Descriptions of Employment Ontario services are available in 23 languages. If you already know the kind of service you need, you can use this website to find services in your area.

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